33.3% - a pass?

When I went to varsity I did do one test for entrance, that was under the “old system”. Back then my degree also took 3 years, it has since become minimum 4 years and a bevy of tests for every required subject to make it in, and after that a load of “bridging courses” that are compulsory for candidates who don’t pass a second round of tests. This takes the total time of the course up to 5 years for some. 5 years! To do what I had to in 3! Atrocious! I finished a post-grad quicker than today’s kids can graduate, and I imagine that drains a lot of money and potential workers out of the economy… All through no fault of their own.

I also imagine this lessens the number of people who would even contemplate a post-grad, seeing as they/their parents will be financially bleeding by then.