AIA: Amazongly Inapt Associations!

With every passing day, seems to get it wronger and wronger.

For the past two or three months, perhaps more, Amazon has sent us notifications of newly published books that may be of interest. As the reader is probably aware, such notifications are generated based on one’s prior purchases in conjunction with what other people have bought in addition to one’s prior purchases. To illustrate, if lots of people who bought title A also buy titles B and C, then those who only bought one or two of those titles will receive a notification about the other ones.

Except, it seems that Amazon of late has taken to fabricating book associations from thinly tenuous air.

Below is a sampling of some of the titles that were recommended to us in the past few weeks, based mostly on titles by James Randi and Michael Shermer, but also those of Kendrick Frazier, Terence Hines, Phil Plait and Nicholas Humphrey. To state it plainly in case there is any doubt, each of those authors brings a healthy sceptical perspective to his work.

  • His Gentle Words of Love: Prophetic Encouragement from God’s Heart to Yours - Lynn Grenier
  • And God Cloned Eve…: We all come from Adam. What other people have succeeded in life can still be conquered - Dr Adelard Moloto
  • Hitler’s Suppressed and Still-Secret Weapons, Science and Technology - Henry Stevens
  • God Never Left Me: HE IS REAL! - Takesha Howard
  • Reflections of the soul: The Gray perspective on life and beyond - Azneeta Wilson-Gray
  • Seeking Soul Mates, Spirit Guides, Past Lives - Richard C. Scheinberg
  • The UFO Phenomenon and the Birth of the Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Religions - Robert Iturralde
  • Immortality And Our Employments Hereafter With What A Hundred Spirits, Good And Evil, Say Of Their Dwelling Place - J. M. Peebles
  • Christian Soldiers: The Discipline of Holy Living - Winston Abrams
  • Perfection: Fulfilling My Destiny in the Kingdom - Michael L. Simmons
  • Sad Eyes That Glorified God - Pastor Lillian B. Simon
  • The Evolution of Kami’s Soul - M.B. Heard
  • Unleashing Satan’s Grip: Psychological & Spiritual Healing - Anneliese Widman, Ph.D.
  • Beyond the Mirror: Four Seasons of Insight - Christopher Adrian Chaloux
  • Be All You Can Be and More: Why People Struggle without God in Their Lives - Julie Faye

Is Amazon that absolutely desperate for business? Such woo-woo recommendations as listed above outnumber the interesting ones by at least five to one, and we have never bought any remotely religious text from Amazon because Exclusive Books, CUM and Bless You Books have quite enough of them, thank you very much. Also, as already intimated, this is a fairly recent development. The only way to stop this madness seems to be to unsubscribe.

And maybe this should instead be posted in the “Conspiracy Theories” subforum…


Ha! The link on the board index was abbreviated as: Amazongly Inapt Ass… ;D

But seriously. I’ve given up on most book shops to get the categories right. I blame ignorance… or in AmAZon’s case, probably a poorly planned recommendation program.

How, er, apt… :stuck_out_tongue:

Meanwhile, a few more Amazon recommendations have arrived:

  • Spiritual Concepts: The Simple Truth – Carol Anne Stacey
  • Angelic Karma: A journey into Angels, Karma, Soul Mates & Twin Flames – Lianne Lockyer
  • Fingerprints of God: The Search for the Science of Spirituality – Barbara Bradley Hagerty
  • Awaken: To Expanded Consciousness – PhD Emily A. Smith

and last, an absolute tickler

  • Transformation – Prophetess Lori J. McKenney

“Prophetess”? “Prophetess”!? Gaah! Is there no end to these poncey poseurs? (For perhaps more fitting definitions, see here or – rated PG21SLVN – here.) What is wrong with these shameless people!? Is it not enough to invent total bunkum from whole cloth and pretend it’s true? Do they honestly think that compounding it with self-accorded titles à la “I’m just too awesomely spiritual for words” makes it any more believable? If nothing else, these examples show just how close such New Age claptrap is to a religion.
