From: Duas Quartuncias: Answers in Genesis lawsuit.
On May 31 2007, Answers in Genesis was sued by their former colleagues, now Creation Ministries International in Australia. This has been a long time coming, and I've been following the unfolding story now for over a year. Lots of bloggers have picked up on it recently; and this is intended to be a helpful cross reference to the material available, with some commentary of my own.
[b]Potted Background.[/b]Answers in Genesis in the USA was founded by Ken Ham, who is still CEO. Ham started out in Australia, where he and John MacKay helped start up the “Creation Science Foundation” (CSF) in the early 1980s, as a merger with another creationist group in Australia (“Creation Science Association” – CSA). Then in 1987 Ham moved to the USA. He still speaks of himself as a “missionary from Australia to the USA”. Originally he was seconded to work with the ICR (Morris’ group), which he did until 1993. Then he started up a new ministry, with the blessing of the ICR and the CSF. The new group was originally called “Creation Science Ministries”, and had a close association with the CSF in Australia. Both groups changed their names to “Answers in Genesis”, in 1994.