Bangladesh won't execute blasphemers, merely imprison them.

Bangladesh's prime minister has ruled out a new blasphemy law despite a mass campaign by Islamists to introduce the death penalty for bloggers whom they accuse of insulting the Prophet Muhammad. [...]

Police said at least 30 people were injured in clashes between pro-government activists and Islamists, already infuriated by the recent convictions of leading opposition figures for war crimes. […]

“They should know that existing laws are enough,” she added, before stressing that “this country is a secular democracy”. […]

Under existing cyber laws, anyone convicted of defaming a religion on the internet can be jailed for up to 10 years. […]

Right, hang on, step by step here…

Police said at least 30 people were injured in clashes between pro-government activists and Islamists, already infuriated by the recent convictions [some to death] of leading opposition figures for war crimes.

So, they want to kill people for saying bad things whilst simultaneously being upset about the execution of war criminals.

"this country is a secular democracy" [...] defaming a religion on the internet can be jailed for up to 10 years.

Wow, I’d hate it for my country to be that kind of secular.

Ja well if we bunch lived in some of these country’s we would have been stoned to death long ago.