
I went to the Bodyworlds exhibit when it opened in Cape Town and was very impressed and awed by it; so much so that I’m going again on saturday. It’s on at the Sci-Bono Discovery Centre in Newtown.

Has anyone else been and what did you think? :slight_smile:

It’s the exact same exhibit. I enjoyed both.

Thought it was very interesting, and certainly not “pornographic” etc., as some claimed (I wrote a column about that aspect).

Planning to go on Sunday, will report my opinion back on Monday.

It was amazing - I am always dubious around people who are freaked out by things like that - after all that’s what we all look like.
I was confused a little bit with the sex position - I though he was particularly well endowed from one angle … then realised it was her liver!!
Also all smokers should go and see the organs of smokers all cut in half so you can see lungs and strokes etc :slight_smile:

ha! The first column of yours that I am not in total agreement with :slight_smile: Not that I disagree with a lot of what you have said but here and there I simply cannot reconcile my own opinion with your message. Not sure this is the thread to discuss it in or even if this is worth discussing, just thought I’d mention my vehement disagreement with you :stuck_out_tongue:

btw I haven’t been to Bodyworks and I probably won’t go. I have seen enough dead bodies to last me a life time.

Heh. Ah well, if I make everyone happy all the time, I doubt I’m doing my job…

I’ve decided to go check it out this weekend.

I’ve never squirmed for biological stuff, even when I was religiously indoctrinated. I was “that kid” the biology teacher always leaned on to help hold things still, dissect organs/animals, etc. Oh, and when she’s not looking try to (and) make the girls pass out (and sometimes the guys). One time me and a fellow… “freak” I guess… was told to wait after class, and were shown some samples that probably would’ve made the rest of the class’ moms reach for their lawyers. But I find it all fascinating.

So, as you can guess, I’m a bit surprised by all my friends’ reactions to me saying I’m attending. EVERYONE I’ve asked to this, including Majin, has declined in an “eeeuw” fashion. Lemme say this too, I don’t exactly hang around with conservative fuddy duddies, these are open-minded rational people.

What is it about the human body that freaks people out so much? You have one, I have one, there’s nothing mystical about it. Hell most of us even eat the dead bodies of other animals.

Exposed like that, revealing all its intricacies, weaknesses and defects, actual or potential, it’s too close to home and reminds us forcefully of our mortality — precisely the thing many an irrational belief system is meant to obscure from us.


I’ve pondered before that it may be the pain reflex doing it. Seeing other things cut up might cause people to imagine the pain that would be felt had the same been done to them while alive. For instance: One sure-fire way to make the girls and boys in a class go green is to cut open an eye. Most people can’t even look at that happening. FWIW: Cutting open a cow eye is a lot harder than it sounds.

I’m guessing the truth is probably a combination of many factors though. I have to wonder what it is about certain people that makes them more tolerant of this stuff. I don’t think it’s because I’ve been exposed to it more than other people, because I haven’t. Perhaps it’s genetic, personality related, who knows…

These are the kinds of thoughts that keep me up at night. :wink:

Amazing. I didn’t expect it to be quite that good, I found it extremely interesting. The place was BUSY (on saturday), it took a good 15 minutes to get past the first exhibit or two, people were queueing to see them and bunching up. After that traffic eased up a bit and I could move through the exhibit with more ease.

For something that’s supposed to cause so much offense, it didn’t seem to cause ANY to the visitors. Everyone (and their oceans of kids) was enamoured by, it seems, every single display. They even put their more explicit display, a couple copulating, behind a wall with a warning and a “no under 18’s” sign. Does that sound like a guy out to cause offense? I think not. There was an air of human curiousity, learning and enlightenment hanging over the entire affair. A uniquely rare experience.

I found the text accompanying the displays tasteful, thought provoking and informative. Maybe a teeeeny bit “yeah yeah I know I should eat my veg thanks”. I didn’t spring for the audio guide and in fact I’m a bit glad I didn’t. People standing around trying to listen to it were holding up the queues and seemed to draw some looks of disdain from the crowd (including me). However who knows how much more “enhanced” their experience was. My guess is, not a lot. Besides, I overheard many dads relaying pertinent information from the guide to their families. So I think I scored. :smiley:

I give it 10 thumbs up, and I’d reccomend it to absolutely anyone.

I checked to see if I could see what you meant. And LOL, no, I don’t think any man is THAT well endowed. :wink:


Well, maybe not up country… :wink: