I have days, today is one of them, where I feel there is absolutely no hope for the world. At all.
This follows years and years of trying to get people to THINK, close people whom I’ve known all this time…
And still they send me the most credulous shit through email, still cling to their beliefs, and don’t seem to have even a single ounce of “care” with regards to the truth. Quite frankly, they just couldn’t give a shit if anything they “know” is true. And, in fact, it seems that discovering the truth is somehow a mental activity they avoid at all costs, even if it means actively plugging their ears and screaming loudly. My conclusion is now: “The world actually doesn’t want to know, and doesn’t care”.
I’m not talking about (just) religion, I’m talking about everything, from the latest news story to the claims of advertisements to urban myths they perpetuate with glee. I… I want to give up sometimes.
Am I the only person who feels like (to borrow from B. Hicks) “Randy-pan the Goatboy” when surrounded by normal, everyday people? They actually manage to make me think sometimes that I’m somehow a broken person for caring about anything. That wanting to “read up” on batshit insane claims in order to discover the truth is actually a FLAW, not a redeeming quality. That listening to something credulous and intuitively thinking “hmm that sounds wrong” is some kind of super-power that the rest of the world does not posses. Most of the time I don’t believe that the world is hopeless, But when I get the cold treatment from people around me for being “just too weird” (translated as: “He thinks”), I feel awfully alone in the world and absolutely helpless to change it for the better.
Is this a general skeptic thing? Do we relentlessly beat at a heavy pane of glass with bloodied fists while the world stands, backs turned to us, oblivious? The entire exercise futile?
Today. I feel so.