
Hi all. I have no idea why, but I’ve only recently discovered this hotbed of heathenism - glad to have found you. Hopefully I know all the Capetonians here already via other channels, but in case not, we’ve got something good growing in the Free Society Institute, which I set up about 18 months ago. We had our second annual conference yesterday, which was very successful - some great talks, including a most entertaining & stimulating welcoming address by Leo Igwe. Once the video editing is done, I’ll post the talks themselves there. There is a non-complete archive of some radio interviews and press clippings in the forum also.

The FSI formally adopted it’s Constitution yesterday, so we’re now going to register as an NPO and seek tax-exempt status. I’ve applied for membership of the IHEU, and have a promising bid in to host the World Congress of the IHEU in 2012 - will of course update you as new info comes in.

Hi Jacques and welcome. The FSI looks like a great initiative, I look forward to having a look at those talks.

Hallo Jaques and welcome to the forum. If you read some of the recent threads you will notice that we are well aware of you and your institute. It’s a pleasure to have you here.

Glad you decided to join! :slight_smile:

I would have done so earlier if slackers like you had let me know about it! But thanks (& to Hermes & Julian).

Welcome Jacques - you are our kind of guy. Hope you become one of the regulars - LOVE your posts so far.

Hey Steve - thanks. It’s always interesting joining a new forum, and I hope I’ll be able to contribute some value. Right now, I’m digging through old threads to see who I should be ignoring (“dummies guide” via PM welcome!).

lol… I haven’t been active in there here forums much either. But I figured I couldn’t preach the value of community from afar, and just attend the odd SiTP!

Maybe I shall write a blag post inviting people to come to the forum. With my the addition of some of my literally dozens of readers, the forum will become an unstoppable behemoth, and my work here will be done…