Hello members

I am from the Netherlands. Male 46 years old. Member from http://www.freethinker.nl/. The biggest rational forum in our country. A couple of years a have been site admin at this place. I am not religious (atheist).



Ps. The last years I had not written anything in Englisch.

Welcome, Piet. I hope you like this forum. Scepticism and freethought aren’t big in South Africa. Mind you, nor is English… :wink:


Greetings Piet and welcome ;D!


Thanks Luton and Mintaka. Someone said against me there runs more evangelists in Africa than atheists. I want to change that.

English thats true!!!

Hey cool, a real Dutch man. Welcome! ;D

Welkom, Piet.

Bedankt Hermes and thanks Peter.

I have two questions:

What do you think of Ayaan Hirsi Ali?

Do you think weed will remain legal in Holland?

Dear Peter,

  1. Ayaan is a strong woman with much influence. Without a guard walking on street is no possibility. That’s the price which she made by her cooperation with Wilders and Van Gogh (I.M). I price her activism and innovative role in the emancipation of particularly the Islamic woman. On the other hand she gets much support of the Christian rightwing. Financially and political. My atheistic backgrond stretches all monotheistic religions. By accepting a Christian influence against Islam. You support the agenda of Christian groups.

  2. Policy on soft drugs has been tightened up. In practice the Netherlands are no narco-state. There are innumerable obstructions for soft drugs. less coffee shops and the climate with respect to soft drugs is changing.You can smoke a joint, but many coffee shops can no longer manage. Disappearing this category ensures a illegal shift. Many young people are smoking at home. And grow for own consumption. On Internet you can order all. And you can cultivate small-scale. But if you become above a certain number of plants, then the sentences are strong. For example Rotterdam there still a couple coffee shops active. Remained of dozens that original were. They can no longer stand in the immediacy of schools. A border of 500 meters is used. At this moment there is concern about a new government. The most rightwing cabinet what has had the Netherlands ever. With Geert Wilders as most important booster. I think that the policy will further be tightened up. There is even talk of illegal putting sale of soft drugs to foreigners (tourist). Paddo’s are already prohibited and sentences for hard drugs are very high.

Wow, didn’t realise it was getting that bad. I suppose Christian conservatism is the inevitable response to Islamic conservatism. Sad really, you guys always used to be so liberal.

There is a proverb: The enemy of my enemy is my friend. I also see this at Geert Wilders. An atheist who has very warm links with christian conservatives. And is a great friend of Israel.