My rant for the year!
I am an international development economist and have spent many months over the last 13 years in African countries trying to redesign the recovery of national economies as well as in SA on behalf of the European Union, World Bank and United Nations.
Since Dec 2007 I have not been able to receive one frecken contract and am now starting to believe that there is a conspiracy against me personally or against Sefricans due to the economic downturn…so project funds are directed at European consultants who know f all about Africa. I bid for a project in Eritrea for 160 days (@ Euro 550 per day plus Euro 103 per day expenses = total Euro 112 720 for 8 month’s work) and my CV was not even considered! >:(
Check the President’s office in Eritrea (I’ve been there 10 times! (wtf!!)) comment below:
[quote]Hi brian!!!
please follow this very urgently. It seems there is a certain lapse in
your application. I spoke with the NAO guy and he was eager to see you
again. You have a good reputation at the NAO. Yemane Gebremeskel is
heading the NAO. he knows you for your SAWA project and others.Yet, they (NAO) received about seven applications from the EU. and
your name is not mentioned amoung those who had already applied. a
friend of mine who is working for the NAO called me this morning and
advised me to check for the application.anyway contact the EU immediately and check whether you application
has arrived in good order. I think the EU delegation head is Mr.
Giame.Or else contact my friend in the NAO and tell him that I advised you
to contact him.
I’m so pissed off and totally bankrupt at the moment as I have not been able to generate one cent in almost three years! My wife is at wits end as well.