I lol'd

You think we can swing atheism as a religion for a while and have a good old piss up?

I have long been in favor of the idea of declaring such things as atheism and science to be religions. That way they’ll finally get equal respect. :slight_smile:

Some three years ago, in a moment of peer reinforced madness, I joined the local community policing forum (aka, Die Buurtwag). It basically entails driving around one night in thirty whilst wearing ridiculous Day-glo vests, defacing your car doors with garish expanses of magnetic heraldry, and scowling at strangers.

The amusing picture above refers. We were asked by one of the local churches to be on the lookout for exactly this type of thing: thieves stealing the letters off of God’s warning board. I assume that, in our case, the letters where taken for their scrap metal value, and not necessarily to make some sort of ironic or anagrammatic point.

I did however fantasize about apprehending a letter nicking culprit and making him replace the stolen merchandise in a more creative fashion.

During the interview they asked me if I’d experimented with drugs in high school. I said yes, but I was in the control group.

Bekkige Portuganse.

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Capes, as you may know, come in a number of sizes: small, medium, large and peninsula.

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