I lol'd


he may be omnipotent, but he sure aint literate

Calenderate? Datate? Chronomerate? Temporaly challenged?

aw damn

He calls it Jesus? (wtf!!)

Hoot! ;D Memorable on mounts, or takes three days to rise?


whaaaaaa kaka ka!!! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Or maybe betrayed three times before the… :-X


Hehehe! ;D You guys are great. 8)







To GCG and Jane - brilliant LOL - thanks.

To Telle - the first batch were not funny and out of character for this thread (more like sour-grapes than humour), but the last one with the baby in the pot, brilliant so thanks for the LOL at that one.

How do I put an image in here? I’ve tried all sorts of things but don’t seem to get it to work (got a cool cartoon to add).

click the icon for add image will give you the following :’[ img ] [ /img ]’
then click and drag your image, and let it drop inbetween the two [img]. then, hey presto!!!
it will show the image url, then in preview, you will se the actual image.

See how my avatar fits perfectly? ;D

i dont like kids anyhow. not coz im an atheist, its just coz i have nothing to say to them. but yeah, bring the parents.

This one left me speechless…


Do you want to get into his pants? :o

and his ouma’s pic on the wall with an approving smirk. the eeuwness make me want to projectile vomit.