Anyone know something about Issy Katzeff and this blog post?
The latest (January 2007) issue of Fair Lady magazine includes an article on NLP entitled Don’t worry, get REWIRED. The five-page article talks about Richard Bandler’s strange and murky past (Bandler is one of the two founders of NLP). It also mentions Bandler’s current association with UK TV hypnotist Paul McKenna and their combined efforts to bring NLP into large organisations in the UK as a tool towards improved cerebral efficiency in employees at all levels.
Smacks sorely of a racket to me.
The Fair Lady article was penned by Jon Ronson who, a few years ago, published the book The Men Who Stare at Goats, a delightful exposé of some of the downright laughable pursuits engaged in by the US military in Bush’s “war on terror.” It is, then, surprising that Ronson concludes his NLP article with what seems to be a tacit approval of the method by relating of an experience with a phobia of his that was “cured” by McKenna’s ministrations. McKenna, remember, is a full-fledged hypnotist, so, apart from being a testimonial, the rôle of NLP in this episode is not at all clear.
Robert Todd Carroll, father and keeper of, has this to say about NLP.
The main NLP embassy in South African is here, run by one Min McLoughlin and located in Cape Town, a city that teems with New Agers of all stripes who usually misidentify New Age thought with profundity. The local NLP website bristles with inspirational quotations, a fact that is, if you think about it, quite revealing in itself.
A prosperous 2007 to all our readers, BTW.