Johannesburg – The Voortrekker Monument has reported the apparent vandalism of a Balmoral concentration camp monument to the SA Heritage Resources Agency.
“According to our information, this person who vandalised the monument apparently belongs to some extremist church group,” Voortrekker Monument chief executive Gert Opperman told Sapa on Tuesday.
“He used verses from the Bible to justify him chopping the monument’s tower to pieces.”
Opperman said this individual, who also seems to be linked to the extremist rightwing group Die Suidlanders, posted pictures of the vandalised monument on his Facebook page. He names himself Gunther Jurgens Kotze on his Facebook page.
The rightwinger Willem Ratte was recently arrested on a farm in Balmoral, Mpumalanga, on charges related to the possession of firearms and ammunition, alongside nine other men – one of them a Gunther Kotze.
The Facebook pictures show a bearded man posing with folded arms and his one foot resting on pieces of the monument’s tower.
Penis of Satan
The man claims on his Facebook page he had to remove the “piel van Satan (penis of Satan)” from the “Boer monument”, before chopping off the structure’s tower.
His Facebook page also contains lines of Bible verses.
Said Opperman: “We have reported it to the SA Heritage Resources Agency.” The person dealing with such complaints was however off sick on Tuesday.
He hoped to get response from the agency by Wednesday.
Opperman said it seemed the incident happened either on Monday or Tuesday.
“We suspect that criminal charges will follow,” said Opperman.
Who the hell ARE these people? Sorry BM, but I refuse to associate myself with ‘the boere’, regardless of my origins.
Tweefo, its a scary-boere-world in my opinion… my favorite comment was:
Piet Rudolph: Gunther Jurgens Kotze, Jou onnosele bliksem. Die Balmoral Monument het nihs met Bokryers te doen nie. Dit het te doen met die wandade va van die Engelse Vrymesselaars wat 'n vredeliewende volk wou vernietig. Daardie monument is terwille vAN ...KLEINKIN DERTJIES WAT VAN HONGER EN DORS GESTERF HET EN JY BESKADIG HULLE NAGEDAGTENIS. OMDAT JY JOU EIE GODSDIENS NIE VERSTAAN NIE EN NOG MINDER DAT DIT 'N AFRIKANER MONUMENT IS MAAR AAN DIE BOEREVOLK BEHOORT. nOU GAAN JY UITVIND WIE DIE BOEREVOLK IS BASTER ENGELSMAN. jY HET SEWE DAE TYD OM JOU VANDAlISME REG TE MAAK. iNDIEN JY DIT NIE DOEN NIE, gAAN JY UITVIND WIE DIE BOERE IS!!!
The lot is bonkers. I’m with Lilli, I too disassociated myself from that culture and so-called heritage years ago. Just a pity about my plat afrikaner name… :-\
jong ek’s 'n baster-kind…my pa se een oom was deel van die Jameson-Raid wat Pres Paul Kruger (sy vrou was my ma se groottante!!) en die Tvl Republiek aangeval het en dit het tot die AngloBoere Oorlog gelei…my ma se pa was deel van die rebellie in 1914 en het saam met Manie Maritz se manne gery om vir Jan Smuts (die “volks veraaier” het hy altyd vir my as kind vertel) op te fok. So daar het jy dit. Wie van ons kan ons rerig losmaak van ons erfenis? Die bliksems is deel van ons gewete en ons verantwoordelikheid om met ‘deernis’ toe te sluit en die sleutel weg te gooi!
i, too, am only afrikaans coz my parents spoke die taal.
i doubt any of my forefathers did much in any war.
i love my language, especially the new generation of afrikaans speaking youth, taking it and making it trendy. no longer the langauge of the opressor.
but generally, if someone had to call me a boer, i would be rather offended. i would like to think i have lifted my intellect above and beyond die NG kerk, kaki broeks and steve hofmeyr.
I find it offensive on behalf of Steve Hofmeyer.
The fact that a lot of you guys can’t see that asserting he has a lower intelligence is offensive, concerns me.
The tone of that post was absolutely hofmeyerphobic >:D
Ha Ha Ha! If you’re that concerned/offended, I guess you’re not forced to continue reading this thread.
I suppose, if we want to go this route, this entire line of discussion is completely ‘Gunther-Jurgens-Kotze-phobic’. >:D