Political slogans

It is voting time and the slogans are up.
ANC: If we all vote ANC they can do more. If they could not do it in 15 years a few more votes are not going to help.
DP: Vote DP and win. With 10% win what?
Freedom Front +. You would think that in a town like Middelburg there would be placards around - none.
The same for IFP and UDM.
CP: 100% Jesus. So much for the separation between state and church.
ACDP: Leaders with integrity. Don’t know the leaders but see above.
COPE: Just says “Vote COPE” not why - not even a vague promise.

None of these will get me to vote for a particular party. I do vote, but I always vote for the opposition - whoever that may be but looking at these campaigns I am sure that they can do better. Or maybe not.

There are service delivery protests on and every one that is interviewed says he/she will not vote - not vote for a different party, not vote. Shows you the power of brand loyalty. Our democracy has a long way to go.

Here in the EC the posters have also mushroomed, and lamp post space is at a premium.
Almost got whacked off my bike about a week ago by a poster torn from its roadside perch during a strong PE wind. I kid you not. I could have sworn the poster said something about and safety and security.


something not to be taken too seriously but I found it interesting comparing my answers with each party’s policy at the end.


… and of course the inevitable …



urg, Ill vote for a party that acklowledges god when god decides to run for political office and not people with a god complex.

and how on earth do they get the logic that the proverb they quote justifies gun ownership??

I know it may sound woefully pat and trite, but it really is very important for all citizens in this country to vote considering the immense sacrifices exerted to bring about a true democracy. Voting is the bare minimum required to claim civic participation in any democracy, a system that requires endless engagement with and ceaseless vigilance over the status quo. The least I would advise anyone is to not vote for the ANC considering that they will win comfortably by a very handy margin. Voting for the opposition, as one poster noted, is certainly sensible to keep our democracy at least reasonably vibrant, an attribute which is all too lacking in the South African political scene.

In short, to actually get out there and vote rather than giving in to easy cynicism is the important thing to do tomorrow.

and how on earth do they get the logic that the proverb they quote justifies gun ownership??

There’s very little that you can’t somehow support or oppose with scripture. With a bit of imagination you’ll find something that could be interpreted as anti-pickled fish.

In short, to actually get out there and vote rather than giving in to easy cynicism is the important thing to do tomorrow.

Can’t argue with that.


I dont really like pickled fish much …shall have to find the relevant scripture to back me up when dealing with my person dislikes. ;D