Religious Billboards


To remain consistent, we have to offer this via a rectal examination, seeing that the woo woos, pull most of their shite out their ass.

I believe if you give them enough crystal meth this will happen by itself.

What is up with the “Focus on God” billboards? There is a huge one on the N4 at Pretoria, one at Potchefstroom and I’ve seen one along the N3. It’s only got the three words on it, and a bible verse. You would have thought that whoever put them up would be advertising for a specific church or group of churches but no brand name.

Devout people sometimes go to great expense to get the message out in more or less anonymous fashion. When I was a kid, some millionaire believer bought the neighbouring farm, then built a drive-in theatre on it, where you could go watch free movies. All Christian movies of course. But he paid for the whole thing out of his own pocket and never advertised anything other than salvation.

He eventually started charging nominal entry fees and, as I recall, started showing non-Christian films. Still went belly-up though.

Bet it’s not from Leviticus.