Rigil's big word list

Just some unusual or interesting words picked up from these forums, and the number of times they were used prior to listing:

inveterate - 3

Non-derogable 1

Nooooooo! I suffer from hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia!

I have recurring nightmares of being defenestrated.

This word isn’t from this forum but rather from general conversation and news24: evidence

It’s a very abstract version of an archaic word which was also called evidence. The modern version, especially when uttered by religious people, means [very weak and unconvincing] anecdotal, intuitive or [flawed] a priori/a posteriori proof for a belief or conviction. The squares brackets are my annotations.

Lets use it in a sentence: "atheists cannot ignore all the evidence staring them right in the face forever [for god’s existence]!

The irony being, if heaven and hell were real, we could.

My favourite, not often used word is : erudite. I just love saying it… erudite


The neologism smugignoramobunkogenation.

The condition of being passively content and scientifically disinterested due to the unshakable belief that natural phenomena are supernaturally caused.

Can you pronounce the full technical term for the protein titin? (189 819 letters)

Or even try to read it?

Well, somebody did!

you can view this youtube video, taking him 3.5 hours to say just one word, or read it on Wikipedia

Warning, you have to be really, really bored or insane!! ;D