So, now that any and all can see how and why moderation takes place, what effect does this have on moderation going forward.
TL;DR summary: I don’t think having it public (at least to snr members) is a good thing.
While the incentive to positively moderate (to score points), or react to negative comments and correct may be increased now…
The incentive to negatively moderate is lowered, and holding of grudges based on valid moderation could be increased.
I totally get that the +/- thing is very informal as is, but it does aid one when reading a post by someone unfamiliar to make judgement calls as to the seriousness of the post.
So now I’ve given ya’ll a problem, now to state how I would frame a solution:
One could moderate anonymously, perhaps optionally also supplying a name. The recipient (perhaps everyone), can see the REASON for a mod point, but not the moderator.
One could go further and provide meta-moderation: Other members could vote on removing frivolous moderation points?
I think there was a valid problem: People couldn’t see what they did to deserve bad karma coming their way.
But in fixing the problem a regression took place: People can no longer provide their opinion without fear of retribution, or losing favor with other members.
ps. Yes I think about stupid stuff too much.
Unsubstantiated twaddle. -1.
I’m also very much in favour of keeping karma adjustments anonymous. It will go a long way towards avoiding petty squabbles or rivalries, as well as encouraging a perhaps less inhibited reaction to someone’s posts, whether positive or negative. However, I’m certainly often curious to know which post earned me or another poster a + or – rating, and why. This might be achieved simply by omitting the column that names who did the rating or masking out those names if that is possible.
I also should have added “provocative behaviour” to “petty squabbles or rivalies”… :
Is this really such a big concern with the powers that be? I honestly dont think its going to cause much drama on this particular forum. Why not give it a month trail run and see how it goes and then fix if it needs fixing?
I’m regret that I opened this can of worms because of curiosity.
Whatever leads to knowledge is wholesome.
… Proof by construction?
Did you slap a woo-woo back? No, why not? Because you’re not petty, stupid or immature, and therein lies the crux, I still believe the majority of this forum wont fall into this trap, something which was available before it became visible anyway. Way back then sometime last year I slapped GCG with a woo-woo, and she slapped one back at me, for some stupidity or other. There was some grumbling between us because of it, but I dont recall it becoming a forum discussion even though everybody was aware of it, nor did it cause bad vibes between us or others. Call it friendly banter/fire, whichever suits your mood. This is not some bikers forum with a lot of riff-raff with a lack of emotional maturity, its a skeptics paradise, and aside from the odd troll annoying us, we’re pretty balanced about this type of thing.
The newbies come and go, some post a while and dissapear, those that stick around generally have the same type of mindset. Lets give it a trail run and see how it pans out, I’m quite willing to apologise and you’re quite welcome to slap me a couple woo-woo’s if I’m wrong.
i just have an issue for getting woo-slapped by a troll like kosi van jozi, or by any troll for that matter.
So you put a 50 post restriction up for that eventuality, which is the restriction for the Members only forum currently as well.
Purely coincidental, Boogie, purely coincidental. >:D
The post limit has always been 10 posts to be able to vote up or down.
I started a poll, please go vote there: