

Well, Boogie, its sortof expected… I’m expecting drama as well, since both the S/O and I are attempting to quit together.

As long as you made up, she’s just going to have to be a bit more tolerant for a while (and you will have to take her for a nice massage and facial in a month’s time for the patience).

And then this morning someone sends me this link:

It makes sense when it comes to business or study goals, but for me, smoking and weight-loss needs to be shared, the misery that accompanies it, that is, I’m far more likely to stick with it if I have someone to complain to (and who’ll just eat up my sh*t without pointing out the obvious).

Also, since its become a rather big group-effort (both here and at work AND at home), the sharing is caring concept is working fairly well for me up until now (5 hours since…)

As of today I have been smoke-free for one year and six days. Guys … I know it is tough. And I KNOW you may have tried the e-ciggy thing and it failed, but it worked for me. You can still “smoke” for the oral-fixation-habit side of things, and you still get a trace of nicotine to alleviate the insanity. I highly recommend these e-ciggy things if the craving reaches intolerable levels and the emotional instability from nic-depro starts affecting relationships.

It is NOT the same as smoking, and will NOT feel the same, but it DOES make the quitting-game easier.

Today I have eaten:

1 standard roast lamb sarmie with german mustart and the works
6 packets of jelly beans (the sweet ones, the sour is horrible)
2 packets of jelly babies (yeah, I’ve got a thing for jelly)
2 packets of Nik-Naks
3 Ferro Rocher choccies which I bumbed off a secretary

and its only 1:24pm…

no smoking tho… ;D

Yeah by sat afternoon I’d polished a bag of chips, a bag of chocolate toffee thingies, a pack of mini-eggs, a pack of smarties, a bar-one, etc (yes, “etc” too). You can eat a horse while in withdrawal. (This is because your body gives up regulating blood sugar, as smoking regulates it for you).

I had the munchies yesterday, but am doing fine today. It is important to remain busy to occupy the mind - around sundown when I’m used to relax with a drink and smoke it’s still bad.

Hey, I don’t post here much (read mostly), but just wanted to give some support.

I’ve quit now for exactly 1 year and 11 months today.

Just keep at it, one day at a time.

It is really tough at first, and it feels like you are going insane for a few days, but it does get a lot easier as time passes.

I rarely even think about it anymore.


Thanx DNA!

I’m just wondering what the S/O’s mood’s going to be like tonight… :-\

You know, come to think of it I did try to quit cigarettes once. Problem is I just smoked more weed instead and got way too ridiculously stoned. Still craved nicotine though.

I also tried those dopamine inhibitors, Zyban or something, but they seriously take the fun out of life.

I was ok last night, but I caved in at 2am this morning - I’ve been having a 2am smoke for the last 18 odd years or so, a remnant of my 18 year old son’s bottle feeding cycle as a baby… I think that one is going to be my biggest problem. This morning is ok, even managed to sit through my passenger in the car having a smoke, although I already polished my chicken mayo sarmies lunch…

You guys are still keeping cigarettes in the house. Make it impossible to cave in by not having any availble. I’m already going through stretches of a few hours without thinking of it.

Just relax! RELAX! RELAX!

So, as agreed last w/e, I had my last smoke on friday night without even realising it was my last. I still feel it bit sad about forgetting to savour it. BUT, now I’m on day 3. Most of the aggresiveness seems to be waning, although I’m not a perfectly happy puppy yet either. I CAN however, already feel my body an mind being a little more peppy today.

When you smoke weeks fly past at the speed of light, but quit and suddenly each day is an eternity. :-\

Hangs head in shame…

Started all over again today…


started smoking or started quitting?

I hope you guys and gals succeed.

I stopped smoking over 20 years ago. I smoked a pack of 30 a day and stopped cold turkey. It was very hard,the worst part was craving the after dinner ciggie, but the benefits are great. I remember munching through loads of carrots which I substituted for my cigarettes - nuts I know, but it helped me and my eyesight was excellent ;D

The best part of giving up was being able to taste food properly again.

Vasbyt ;D



started quitting!

I am rather determined, but if I have to quit a hundred times, I will eventually manage to do it for the last time.

I’m in my second week now. The problems arise when you’re in the company of smokers, which I have been avoiding fairly successfully.

Thanks for the encouragement. Carrots? Never heard of that one. Has it got something to do with your avatar?

Carrots? Never heard of that one. Has it got something to do with your avatar?

LOL! I love sheep - not in the Australian way, though! ;D

I figured that if I ate a carrot everytime I craved a cigarette it would stop me putting on weight. Some people tend to eat more when they stop and then put on weight which makes them go back to smoking.
I got really sick of raw carrots after about a month, but by then I deal with the craving.

I also found that by keeping myself busy helped too, I didn’t have time to think about wanting a smoke.

I did have friends who behaved like jerks when I quit, but I stopped hanging out with them. True friends are supportive.

Hang in there. It does get easier over time. :wink:


The S/O also smokes, and whilst we’re both wanting to quit, this week-end was a tad difficult…