Just came back from the shop and on the community notice board I saw an ad inviting those troubled by potential supernatural phenomena to have their house investigated ( for free - always a good sign of real scientific endeavour!) for paranormal activity.
Faerie, there seems to be a lot of positive findings, here is a typical extract from a report:
Posted by Marius on October 24, 2009 at 3:30pm in Case Files
Right from the beginning of the investigation,I felt the "presence" following the team around and found that "IT" was very much aware of our presence.AS soon as we moved from the entrance of the house,the video caught some interesting orb activity,originating from the stairs.The cameras clicked away as we felt "it" moving around us.
It would appear that the investigators are capable of sensing when something supernatural is around. There is also reliance on video and sound equipment and frequent mentionings of something called “orbs” ???.
Maybe we should ask if we can tag along when next they go on one of these investigations.
A couple years ago I went on a blind date who took me on the Jo’burg Ghost tour. I had an absolute ball, I took one look at my date and knew I’d have to amuse myself in order to get through the evening. At the intro they asked whether anybody has psychic abilities and “up my hand went”. Right through the evening I’d be asked at the different venues what I felt, and I’d elaborate something wicked, and ALL of my imaginary statements were taken as fact and elaborated upon… :
I thought we might be spared this kind of hogwash for a little while longer. It looks to me like it’s time to found the SASSICSASPR (the South African Society for the Sceptical Investigation of Claims of the South African Society of Paranormal Research).
I’ve looked at quite a few of SASPR’s images and I must say not a one of them is convincing (imagine my surprise).