Spiritual Intelligence

This is a shortened version of my post in the Afrikaans section for those who prefer to comment in English.

According to Kobus de Klerk (KdeK), one of the members of the forum on LitNet, one needs to possess “Spiritual Intelligence” (SI) to grasp the spiritual language of the Bible.

Not to be confused with Intelligence, SI is the ability to interact with supernatural beings and make spiritual decisions. Spirituality, from a pure scientific perspective, is an energy that brings about contact with invisible beings that have an influence on all facets of our everyday lives. - According to KdeK.

Several doctorates and scientific knowledge is no match for Spiritual Intelligence either. :o

This must rank as one of the all-time most transparent examples of special pleading for exemption from verifiability. While there are still some looming questions about what IQ actually is, it can at least be measured with an enviable degree of repeatability and consistency, and the results correlate strongly with certain demonstrable capabilities. SI lacks any such respectability and, judging from the above description, will jump through all sorts of hoops to preserve its fantastical pretensions.

Of course not. That would lead to almost instant dismissal, and we can’t have that now, can we?


What Kobus doesn’t understand, is that more people than he realise have just as much SI as he does. But some people also have common sense and reason. Which makes SI utterly useless and inaccurate.

this is just going to make science classes even harder, I can see it now

Teacher: the SI unit for power is the Watt, energy is the Joule.
Religious kid: nu uh, SI is used to understand the bible and not some satanic textbook, all power and energy comes from god and god is love so the SI unit for all science is love.
Teacher: and if god plays tennis then it is zero, just like the rest of any god’s power in scientific theory. now get out of my class and go stand on a street corner.