unfortunately, if one screams revolution, you may end up getting one. and, as history goes, they are rarely fluffy. they are full of blood and guts.
so, a current example is mr malema himself. he is inciting hate from both sides of the racial line. this is not good. allthough people are up in arms about the shit he’s causing, he is, after all, just creating a distraction to whatever the government is busy with at present.
burn down the house while you rob the neighbours, as it were.
considering this county’s history, we are not doing a too shitty job. we could have been slaughtered the moment madiba set his feet on free soil. it did not happen.
i doubt it will. if one is smart enough to make it into government (which isnt very smart, but not too bad), surely you realise, and can learn from example (aka zim), that going the militant way, dont work.
whites are considered invader bastards, but shit, we kinda built the infrastructure and stuff. and we know shit.
i am not leaving this country. thing might get worse, or better, or just remain as is, but no use crying revolution!
the previous government has treated the blacks like absolute shit, let them have their moment in the sun. and yeah, crime is shitty, and the ecocnomy is shitty, and the roads are shitty, and and and.
i havent traveled much in my life, but what i hear from other people, is that the rest of the world isnt all roses either.
and we have got fuckin awesome weather to boot!! imagine shitty roads, shitty crime, shitty government, and to top if off, shitty weather!!!
no thank you very please.
i will do my job, as menial as it is, and be happy to see sunshine, and have friendly people in the supermarket.