A local woo-site

for your enjoyment :wink:


BIBLE REVELATIONS is a non-proselytizing Messianic Web Site which is NOT directed at Jews - but at Zionist Christians, to proclaim Judaism as the One Only True Faith under Rabbinic authority to them

If you are Jewish and want to know why you should NOT accept the ‘Christian Messiah’. then please contact the publisher directly with a GUARANTEE that you will not be swayed away from or against Judaism.

Umm… ja well no-fine.

Lovely. A bit different to the standard fare, but not too much, just leans more to judaism than straightforward xtianity. Same babbling on though. Go squiz their Q&A page.

Signs of the Apocolypse (again?) ::slight_smile:

* A looming Crash which will bring the world down in unthinkable Chaos
how many times in history has the finincial establishment been threatened? during and after war, famine, droughts, floods… more recently, great depressions all over… so your point is valid how?

* Storms, earth quakes, tsunamis, floods, tornados - correlating several staggering signs with the Prophecies of the Bible for “the Time of the End of the World”
erm, okay, like all of these only started happening recently. whatthefuckever.

* The betrayal and persecution of religious Jews by its own government hints at being the revealing of the Antichrist in Israel. (and whole bunch of other signs about how Jews are being removed from the land that sky-dude gave them)
how long has this freckin war been going on now? since, uhm, oh yes, the dawn of bloody time. now it just has better news coverage and better weapons.

* Islam shows its true colors and intent to an ‘unbelieving’ world. The truth about the sickening disease with it’s barbaric murderous intent which threatens the whole “non-Muslim” world .
as far as I remember my history, the muslims have been a murderous, maurauding bunch pretty much since the get-go. they have been invading and warring since many many moons ago. i read recently that old vlad the impaler got his name by impaling a whole she-bang of muslims for show. so surely muslims have not been killing god’s children since recently.

* Solar Storms threaten to disrupt communications satellites
yes, the sun is so co-ordinated, that it only erupts it’s solar flares to co-incide with sky dude’s plans. the sun has never bothered with any eruption before. tsk tsk.

* How to Identify the coming Anti-Christ!
http://urbanlegends.about.com/od/barackobama/a/obamaantichrist.htm barack obama?
The Bible says The Pope is the Antichrist the pope?
Proof that Prince Charles is the Antichrist prince charles
http://reachheavenonearth.blogspot.com/2005/09/is-nelson-mandela-antichrist.html tata madiba?
maybe im the antichrist?

* The remarkable accuracy of Biblical Prophecy in predicting control of the individual’s finances as a secret weapon to annihilate the True Faith in YHVHnot so really to eridicate belief in god, but rather my belief that i am in posession of my own soul.

these people are funny

I thought it was the religious Jews that demanded the crucifiction in the first place.

this whole site is like a freak fan-fare. curious to know who the mastermind behind this little piece of bollocks is.