Americans as likely to be killed by their own furniture than terrorism

So maybe Sweden is really harbouring wardrobes of mass destruction - damn IKEA!

They’re a very closeted nation, with the majority having very little knowledge about the world in general. It makes me think of the uproar in Israel last Friday - apparently an unidentified flying object was noticed in the sky and the government issued a report stating that no, its not the end of the world, merely a new russian-invented missile being tested - which calmed the nation down. After all, whats just another missile? Try doing that with the Americans, you’ll have people digging bunkers in their back yard and young people scrabbling to find a black marker and a spare cardboard so they can pen a motto to wave in front of the white house.

Here, I suspect, we’ll calculate the distance between the missile and our current position and attempt to get as far away from it as possible with not too much fanfare. (oh, and we’ll stop at the local Spar to stock up on canned food - we’re a nation that believes in stocking up)

buwhawhawhaw ;D