So this school says “No” to a Lesbian couble who want to attend the prom together. They threaten to take the school to court… So, the school… cancels the prom. BUT they concede that parents may organise their own function for all the teens. Which they do, but…
They then organise another, seperate, private prom, invite pretty much the rest of the school to that prom, and let the lesbian couple (and some stragglers) attend the “real” prom all by themselves. Fun times… as long as you don’t get caught, or say, post pictures of your really-real prom on facebook, that’s a giveaway really. I hope they get themselves sued to hell and gone, they are the USA, after all.
What really bugged me is how they didn’t want to accept donations for the event from atheists. Apparently we are still way more controversial than homosexuals.
Ah, it brings back memories. I knew this adorable pair of lesbians back in high school. I remember going to great lengths to get them to kiss in front of me. ;D
people seriously need to just chill out with the gay issue. there are far more controversial shit out there. and a pair of letties are hardly harmfull.
funnily, in schools, they go to great lengths to tell the kids in sex-ed, which goes where, and how babies are made. but they dont bother to tell the poor buggers, that sometimes, girls like girls instead of boys.
i had no idea what gay was (apart from wrong). my friend, who is as obviously gay as ru paul, she dated dudes till after she left school, cause that is what she was told, is normal. we only realsed, like last year, we actually had the hots for each other. if only we knew.
luckily, the interwebs can help these days. you can google ‘i think i like my best friend, is that normal?’
still, the church would beat the lesbian out of you with the word of god. instead on focusing on teaching you safe sex, healthy relationship habits, etc. so they would rather create kak-unhappy women(and guys), that have such huge issues, they end up hooking up with people they hate, just in order to not burn in hell.
so sad.
i think, that if schools accept mixed race couples, they should accept gay couples. bonus of gay couples, no teen pregnancies. WIN.
Thanks for that link, I think I’m speachless, all I can really say is “Daaajum”. That article is full of stuff I’d never thought I’d read. Chiefly, that my own personal world view is SO contraversial that the ACLU is embarrased. (wtf!!)
However, think about this some more: If there are organisations out there only accepting “atheist money” if it’s donated anonymously, how easy is it then for theists to say we’re up to no good and never do anything charitable? Is this the first time this has happened? Does it happen all the time? >:(
Ha! Good, I’m glad. The irony must have really stung.
In all fairness, it was probably just one religious nut acting alone that caused all the nonsense. It only serves to highlight the root cause of the discrimination problem.
Jesus was gay or at least bi-sexual (Mary Magdalene was probably his cherry): read Mark’s secret Gospel in Smith, M. ‘The Secret Gospel’, London, 1974. Naturally this was expunged/deleted/destroyed/suppressed by the Catholic Church.
We’ve come a long way though. Saw on Grey’s last night (Uhh, girlfriend makes me watch it!) that 'till about twenty years ago, AIDS was still called GRID (Gay Related Immune Deficiency). Think the whole gay paranoia and prejudice thing is slowly fading away. Except of course amongst the seriously religious and the seriously sexually frustrated. Whenever I meet a homophobe, I’m always reminded of the neighbour dude in American Beauty (yes, she made me watch that too). He was seriously Nazi and homophobic, but in the meantime he was just bursting to give Kevin Spacey shots in the nether-region when no-one was looking.