recently read this over at rationalskepticism - the life boat when dawkinsnet went under.
[i]There are certain words that have subtle qualitative differences in nuance of meaning, depending on context. ‘Belief’ and ‘faith’ are among those kinds of words… and the differences are profound, both in their direct meaning and in the implications of those differences.
In ordinary discourse, ‘belief’ is generally taken to be an expression of opinion… the idea that “I think that’s true.” But in the context of ‘god’ and ‘religion’, it doesn’t mean that at all. In THAT context, ‘belief’ represents the certainty that one possesses or has access to profound and absolute ‘truth’… ‘knowledge’… pertaining to vital aspects of existence and reality. This ‘certainty’ is internalized to the extent that it becomes a vital component of one’s ‘self-description’, and functions as a primary interpretive ‘filter’, whose output represents ones conceptualization of reality.
That’s quite a bit different from “I think that’s true.”
In this context, ‘belief’ is essentially the ILLUSION of knowledge… a lame and pathetic substitute for actual knowledge. Such ‘belief’ is sustained by ‘faith’… wishful, magical thinking… an lame and pathetic substitute for facts, evidence, logic, reason, and critical thinking.
Put kindly, we can say that faith + belief —> bamboozlement.
Put honestly, we can say that faith + belief —> gullibility, self-deception, self-delusion, willful ignorance, intellectual dishonesty, lies, deceit, sophistry, hypocrisy, and toxic, drooling, malignant stupidity.
We often hear preachers saying things like “Do you have faith that the airplane that’s going to carry you home will not crash? Do you have faith that the chair you’re sitting in is not going to collapse under you? Do you believe that the sun is going to rise tomorrow? Do you believe in the fidelity of your spouse? Well then… have faith, and believe that the Lord loves you, and will guide you.” Then the flock gets all tingly with warm fuzzy feelings of religious ecstasy… waves their hands and yells “Hallelujah. Praise Jeeeeezus”… not having the slightest clue that they’re being manipulated and bamboozled by the same lack of perception, awareness and subtlety of thought that you have just exhibited for us.[/i]
Which I think encapsulates this quite well.