Bible study

Article in our local paper: “House burn down while the housewife is next door attending a Bible study session.” Now could the deity not wait a while to let the woman at least finish praying to him? I find this especially nasty of him. :o

Without bible study, she would have got home and thought “Why? Why would god allow do or allow such a thing to happen?”. Having been to bible study and possibly read the bible, she might have got home and thought, “Ah, par for the course!”. :slight_smile:

This will probably double her efforts because she now thinks that she did not “study” hard enough.

Christians aren’t necessarily materialistic. Their reward lies in the afterlife. Please act like intellectuals. Ive heard of Satanists offering babies. Now that is a sad religion.

Which afterlife supposedly is a reward in the form of a place in heaven by the side of their god spent in blissful and everlasting cosy comfort. Sounds terribly boring over the long haul (actually, the very longest); nonetheless, how is that aspiration not goal-driven and thus essentially materialistic?

Yes, by regularly confronting your own beliefs with reason, evidence and logic to see how they measure up.

If true, that is indeed unforgiveable, but assuming that the christian god is in charge of life, the universe and everything, we face a few obvious difficulties. Among several others, s/he supplied the object of these people’s worship, namely satan, in the first place. Worse, the christian god does far, far greater harm to human embryos and infants – by doing away with around 30 to 40 million of them annually worldwide for no apparent reason. Note that most of these are unbaptised and so are excluded from entering heaven.

No different from all other religions, then.


I think there is a loophole for this one somewhere - might be mistaken though…

It wouldn’t surprise me in the least. The RCC invented the concept of Purgatory to dodge the ethical issues inherent in consigning unbaptised souls straight to hell.


The woman is more likely to say “see, I could have been home, but thank the Lord he made sure I was not home.” I’ve heard this type of thing many times. Sometimes, so what? But other times, it chaps my ass that these people can be so smug… arrogant… I don’t know, Luthon, help me with the word.
For Example, here is an story by a woman I heard on Radio Pulpit a while back (I will keep it as short as possible):
The woman was being attacked and the man was trying to rape her. She screams out “God please help me!!!” and the man just stops and lets her out of the vehicle. She asserts that God saved her because she called his name and the attacker stopped.
Now, my thought is how disgusting of her to believe that God saved her because she called out to him in the attack, but how many thousands of women have been in the same predicament and screamed out the same thing, are just as faithful as her, but they don’t get away. Why did God save you but not them.
It really makes me sick.

Hmm, I can’t offhand think of a one-word option, but how about “conceitedly incoherent?”
