Brand New Member Here :)

Greetings everyone. My name is Gareth McCumskey and I am a “natural” skeptic; i.e. been skeptical before I realised there was a term and/or a “movement” behind it, and am really glad to be able to meet like-minded people here in our lovely country.

I work and live in Gauteng as a software engineer for an open-source services provider called SYNAQ. Yes that does give me geek credentials along with my love for trivia, sci-fi/fantasy and technology (if I walk into an Incredible Corruption with my wallet I will double my debt >.< ).

Hope to get involved with organised events and perhaps even contribute where I can as I am not shy to be a public speaker and so forth. Perhaps just need the time to begin understanding the best ways to tackle the problems that face us and how we can best approach promoting science and critical thinking in our societies…

Hi Gareth - a big welcome to you :-). I hope that you enjoy being able to air your views!

Hi Gareth

Pretty new here myself, things here are a little slow but hopefully there is a bit of an upswing on the go.


Welcome! I hope you enjoy it here, as Zulu says, its quiet but we have our moments!

Welcome Gareth…hope you enjoy and can contribute some controversial issues so that the site wakes up some.

Hiho and welcome.

(Congrats on that Cup - if that is your cup of tea and you don’t mind puns. Well deserved it was in my opinion. ;))

…and condolences to zuluM (with the same disclaimer)

Welcome. Live long and prosper.

Ok I’m lost, I have no idea what any of that refers to, or has something been deleted that is was in reference to?

I believe it might be the rugby Currie Cup? ;D

Welcome and Sauce be upon you.

A computer programmer on a skeptical board, how strange :slight_smile:

Hello and welcome.