Check this out: this guy, from Potchefstroom, is building his own space telescope
This is great! His scope is a bit small but it will be above most of the crap it the atmosphere and you have to start somewhere. He will need permission from someone to go that high though. That might be a problem.
- It won’t be in ‘space’.
- It won’t be in orbit, so it isn’t a satellite.
- Judging solely by this oke’s inability to spell properly it probably won’t get more than 10’ from the ground, so no permission necessary.
- Life must be boring in Potchefstroom.
Where does space start? No definite line, but the higher you go the clearer it get. It won’t orbit but it will be in “space” for a while if it can go high enough. Give the guy credit for trying, if nobody wanted to see what is possible we would still be living in caves. Bad writing skills does not mean you are stupid, maybe he is more practical. Potch might be boring I’ll give you that.
Nothing lifted by a balloon can possibly reach space because space is defined as outside the atmosphere. You are absolutely correct when you state that bad writing skills do not necessarily correlate with stupidity, but to spell a simple word like ‘balloon’ incorrectly and differently three times in the space of two lines implies a certain sloppiness of the thought processes.
“Build your own space-like regions of Earth’s upper atmosphere telescope at home” didn’t have the same ring to it, so I used artistic license.
Check out these cool pics from a cameras on a weather balloon built and launched by school kids in a project called BalloonSAT.
By this definition even the ISS is not in space. It needs regular boosts to speed it up. At 200 - 350 km up it still slows down as it interact with the very, very thin upper atmosphere. Now the balloon won’t make it that high but even 10 or 20 km up will make a huge difference.
If by ‘space’ you mean a vacuum with no gas whatsoever, then ‘space’ does not exist.