Buying an unfinished house

Does anybody know if banks will give you a load to buy an unfinished house, and would there be transfers fees?

Hallou, meeste banke sal vir jou 'n lening gee om 'n onklaar woning klaar te bou. Dit word 'n boulening genoem. Meeste banke leen net 85 % van die waarde van die woning. Derhalwe as die “klaar” huis se waarde R1,000,000 beloop sal die bank slegs R850 000-00 leen. Die bank sal sekere betalings maak op sekere stadiums van die bouprojek bv. as al die fondasies klaar is betaal die bank 10 % van die lening uit. As die buitemure halfpad gebou is betaal die bank 30 % uit ensomeer - tot waar die dakstadium voltooi is dan sal die bank jou die volle lening uitbetaal. Die bank stuur 'n waardeerder om die verskillende stadiums van die huis se vordering te monitor.

Die bank sal ook verwag dat die bouplanne van die woning in plek is alvorens die lening ten volle toegestaan word.

Hou in gedagte dat jou inkomste ook die hoeveelheid van die lening kan bepaal. Gewoonlik kan jy slegs 20 - 40% van jou salaris in verbande afbetaal.

Ek het al gesien waar lenings slegs op kaal erwe by die see toegestaan word.

They’ll assist, and there will be transfer fees - you’re buying a property (ground) and whatever “improvements” (meaning house) that might be situated thereupon. An bank assessor will inspect the property and they generally assess it for the requested loan amount. You will have to apply for the purchase amount as well as for the “building loan” should you require funds to complete the building.

There shouldnt be any undue issues, most bank branches have a home loan consultant who would be able to tell you all the finer details.

Just get an expert (building inspector) out to check the existing structure carefully before you commit, you dont want to be surprised by being instructed to tear the whole lot down after you’ve put money down.

There’s also another levy–the hmbr? It comes to 2 or 3% of the amount loaned, and is paid into a fund to cover you against loss if your builder does a crap job, or decamps with the bucks before the job is finished. If you pay cash and don’t get a bond, then you are not required to pay it.

Thanks guys that helped a lot.