career handbook

i’m writing a career handbook for eduloan, and i have reached, now, the medical categories. and, of course, for some reason unknown, under occupations, there are homeopath (?), acupuncturist, herbalist,… and i cannot, in my mind, add these as actual careers?
i allready had to add ‘spiritual leader’, which i was cringing through.
surely, if i added those as actual careers, then i can put reiki master, reflexologist, sangoma, psychic…

…and dominee, bishop…under category bullshitters!

we’re living in a capatilist country, if you can make money doing it, its considered a career. As a matter of interest, you can register as a psychic at some institution or another (I didnt pay all that much attention) and its considered a legitimate job description on your tax return.

hum. i would like to know what the criteria is? must you kill a goat with your mind?

and then, if they are legit according to this institution, wil my medical aid cover this, as it does a proper psychologist?

do they train the candidates in cold reading? and bulshitting 101?

don’t forget 'Sex-worker" then either…at least they don’t make promises they can’t deliver on…

Faerie is right. Your career is essentially that what you do to persuade others to give you money. Short of breaking the law, anything is tolerated, which is probably not a bad thing in principle.

I don’t envy you your task of including the fringe practices in your guide. Is there no way of removing herbalist and ilk from the Medical section, and including it under Entertainment ;)?


Another agree. “Sales-representative” may be an occupation I’d also file under “bullshitter”, but it’s an occupation that a lot of people consider legitimate. (Apparently)

the careers are lumped under subject choices, so under natural sciences, medical stuff comes up a lot.
luckily, there is only room for about 10 careers in each subject field, so i cleverly made other careers sound fabulous, so that there is no room for herbalist/homeopath/acupuncturist. in my opinion, if you cant study it at a university, get a degree, and call yourself doctor what-have-you, then it’s not medicine.
we have moved too far in medicine and understanding the human body, for some random oke to have the power to poke around with my health.

You’ll have to find another way to “unjustify” those “careers” I’m afraid, all of them are offered as 3 - 6 year degreed courses at the big varsities in SA… :stuck_out_tongue:

ag fok. maybe i can just have heading for ‘alternative medicine’. or even better, leave them out completely. and hope nobody notices.

Heh! :smiley:

Our company’s medical aid will pay for a visit to a Sangoma… so I guess its just a sidestep away from paying for a psychic, maybe next year, there’s probably a delegation of psychics, who, right this moment, are waving a handful of documents which will give them access to asking medical aid rates for their sittings… :-\

Do you mind my asking which medical aid that is?

Bankmed - as medical aids go, not a bad one to be on.

shouldnt it be, a mockery of psychics