
Call 0800 110 248 - they can tell you when they’re getting to your area.

Call 0800 110 248 - they can tell you when they're getting to your area.
We are in South Africa. Here we demand lots of things, but you can not just ask for it. You have to take a day of work, toi toi, break a few windows, block the highway and maybe have a full blown riot. Get with the program - a telephone call, are you nuts? I see the Gautrain bus drivers are on a sympathy strike, now they understand it

i was stuck like an ass at sandton station today. believe me, i was ready to gooi a rock through a bus window after sitting in the sun for an hour.

I happened to be at home today, and the census worker came wandering past. Fairly painless experience, but I could have lied my ass off if I felt like it. Wasn’t anything too invasive, except for what is in the house and the monthly income.

Thanks I will give them a call and report back :slight_smile:

Personally I don’t understand the FUD surrounding the census. Why not let them honestly know how much you earn, whether you have a TV or computer, etc? How does that harm you in anyway? The census will produce of everyone in this country. That is millions of data points. There is no feasible way that someone will be using this data to single out one individual because they own a TV or a computer. All the data would end up getting aggregated and therefore anonomised in order to perform statistical analyses on it.

And lets not jump to conclusions that this will be used as ammunition against “affluent whites”. If the government was ever going to try and take away wealth from white people, they didn’t need a massively complicated and expensive census to allow them to determine that.

I tend to agree with you. Assume that the stats will assist govt to plan their development interventions with more facts rather than political BS…also the impact HIV/AIDS is having, may hasten better ARV roll out…the pessimist in me says HooHaaH we’ve been burned before!

True, but the more questions you ask the poorer the answers. They did came past my place, I took one look at it and knew I will never fill it in. My wife did but if not for her I would have just put in some rubbish.


I was censused recently also, I thought there were a few fairly irrelevant questions but answered them anyway- then after finding out our eyesight needs, appliances and whether our parents were alive or not the guy phoned us 10 mins after he left to ask what our address was!!! I couldn’t quite believe it :o

Well, yeah. I filled it in myself, and the address space is in the part that says, “For Office Use Only”, so I didn’t fill that in. I don’t give phone numbers out to anyone except family and very close friends, so they can’t phone me to find out. Check mate.

Well the census is over and once again they didn’t count me. No notes left, no visit, nothing. My parents who are retired and at home all the time on a major road were left a note that they had been visited 5 times without anyone being at home, but the address on the form was for the wrong road.

Total F-up, as usual, complete waste of money.

I’m sorry, but all the fears and recriminations seem to be … well … illogical to me. Sure there may have been problems with collecting the data but with any large task that requires fallable human beings to perform, problems will naturaly occur. As for the data asked, why not fill it in? What could be used against you? What harm would it cause to not answer all the questions? I am just struggling to understand the fear of the census.

Easy to explain, just answer truthfully the following questions:

What is your physical home address?
What is your cellular telephone number?
Do you have a computer at home with internet access?
How many people live with you at home?
Do you all work/go to school?

Would you give this out on an internet forum?

Sure, if all 50 odd million other south african households answer it too…

And besides, your analogy is ridiculous. This forum is open to anyone in the world with an Internet connection. The census data is only available to a much smaller subset of people who would end up aggregating and thereby anonymising the data too. Giving my own details to the world at large on its own via an Internet forum is in no way a like for like comparison.

So you’re firmly in the camp of following the rest of the flock then, with no further thought?

You just gave out your physical address and a whole lot of other information to a random stranger with a yellow bag strapped over their shoulder.

Personally, I’d give out information on a secure site on the internet, I do that yearly with my tax return, but not a piece of paper that goes into a bag that can be snatched from the collector - which incidently has happened on exactly eight occassions during the census. So why would a bag be snatched? Go figure.
Aside from me being a freak over my own personal security, nowhere on that form was a clause stating that your information will not be used for marketing purposes or anything else they can think of. Your info will now be loaded onto a database which most likely will be available at a price for other marketing purposes. If you did give your cell number, expect spam and junk mail to your home address. Its inevitable.

Theres a difference between skepticism and paranoia. Someone can walk up to my front door and know where I live if they really wanted to, not to mention its already on many forms for alsorts of other reasons, along with my cell phone, ID Number, and the list goes on.

And a stolen bag? Oh noes. As if they could never guess that there may just be a TV and computer in that house over there. Or potentially send me spam (of which I already get copious amounts so some more crap on teh pile really isn’t that big a deal) or text message spam, which can be blocked too…

My info is probably on multiple databases internationally simply due to, you know, living and having to buy stuff that require forms be filled out.

Perhaps take a read of a book called Public Parts by Jeff Jarvis. Having your information “out there” does not automatically put you at risk of anything. Your information is already out there and if someone really wanted it they can get it by other means.

agreed on spam.
they dont need my cell number. or my email address. for census purposes, my po box is fine.
i spent how many hours ridding my fone of spam sms’s, en reporting those who didnt let me unsubscribe. there is no guarintee that, they wont sell my info the the highest (or any) bidder.
there is also no guarintee as to whom gets to have access to my info, how can they gaurintee one of their employees arent scaly, and selling off info to their buddies, as to whom has tellies, fridges, etc, for when they want to go affirmative shopping.
i have zero faith in any govament institution.

50 million households (give or take) completed the census and you’re worried someone is going to come rob you because of the information in it? Are you currently in possession of huge quantities of drugs or precious metals? Otherwise, you wouldn’t be more of a target than anyone else. Do burglars really need verifiable information that that fancy looking house over there probably has a tv, dvd player and computer? Probably just easier to go take a look than try and steal census data.

i can neither confirm, or deny, drugs in my house. or the quantity thereof.