A blog in the M&G today has David Saks, an associate director of the South African Jewish Board of Deputies (SAJBD)writing on the persecution of christians in the different parts of the world. In his view they are today the most persecutes religion in the world!
Really? Who’d have thunk?
IMO, the muslims have got a pretty shitty time in Europe and the USA.
Why the hell does people want to feel persecuted anyway? What satisfaction do they seek to be the least liked? As religion goes, its dumb.
Nah. Atheists are persecuted far more than anyone else. We dare not let anyone know for fear that we won’t get that job, or loan, or whatever else the God botherers have in their power to not give us if we don’t share their stupid beliefs.
I’d’ve thought that someone called “David Saks” would accord that singular honour to the Jews, but perhaps it’s reverse psychology or something… :
In terms of absolute number and across recorded history, it may well be true that Christians were the most persecuted group. However, in proportion, that’s total rot. In fact, in proportion, Christians can probably be said to have been the most persecuting group.
The subject was most persecuted religion
No it isn’t. Read it. It’s “Christians most persecuted”.
Try reading it again.
The title of the article should give you a clue, “Christians - the world’s most persecuted faith group”
If not the title, then perhaps the first sentence, which ends “arguably the world’s most persecuted religious group today, namely Christians.”
And if it is the thread you are talking about rather than the actual article the thread is about, then most persecuted religion is specifically mentioned in the opening post as well.
Try reading it again.
The title of the article should give you a clue, “Christians - the world’s most persecuted faith group”
If not the title, then perhaps the first sentence, which ends “arguably the world’s most persecuted religious group today, namely Christians.”
And if it is the thread you are talking about rather than the actual article the thread is about, then most persecuted religion is specifically mentioned in the opening post as well.
Only pedants RTFA. I’m referring to the title of the thread.
i think, in a historical sense, the jews have been kakking off since forever. not even just Hitler. jews were persona-non-grata all round in europe.
xtians should calm their tits. they have it sweet.
i think, in a historical sense, the jews have been kakking off since forever. not even just Hitler. jews were persona-non-grata all round in europe.
xtians should calm their tits. they have it sweet.
Read Ivanhoe, which used to be a set work in British schools pre WWII, to see a good description of how Jews were thought of and treated in mediaeval times, when religious laws against money lending meant the only way to borrow money was to ‘find a jew’ and it was thought of as scraping the barrel. Jews were not considered to be as human as good christian folk.
From that general European outlook to Hitler’s specific persecution was a smaller step than most people realise today.
Jews were persecuted at one time or another virtually the world over. Among the more prominent cases, in Russia they had the pogroms predating the Nazi Holocaust. These in turn took their cue from Martin Luther’s virulent anti-Semitism, which he’d adopted wholesale from the Roman Catholic Church’s stance. The ostensible motivation for it was the Jews’ alleged responsibility for Jesus’ crucifixion.