The combination of philosophy and religion in one sub-forum demeans philosophy. I believe religion should be classified separately or with equivalent topics such as mythology or mysticism.
I agree. I think there should be a section for pure philosophy and a section for pure religious matters.
I’ll throw in a few suggestions:
Sub-section: Religious Discussions
Things done in the name of religion that degrades or uplifts humanity.
Historical developments of religions.
Historical facts about religions.
Heck, you can discuss some stupid thing said by some religious leader if you like as long as it has something to do about a particular religious viewpoint.
Sub-section: Philosophical Discussions
I think if we restrict this section to the following main areas(as per wiki)
Political Philosophy
Philosophy of Mind
Philosophy of Language
Philosophy of Religion
Philosophy of Science
I once read something about philosophy in the Greco-Roman classical sense being subverted by religion in the early years of the Christian religion. This raises the question: Is religion the antithesis of philosophy? In my mind yes as religion claims sole copyright to the one and only Truth while philosophy is ultimately the search for truth. Comments?
Well put. Except perhaps when its philosophy of the waffling brand that lacks a proper plot and offers nothing but the stale and insipid regurgitation of big words in no particular order. Or was that theology?
In the Dewey classification system, Philosophy and Psychology are classified in the 100 series and Religion in the 200 series. Classical religions (mythology) come in at 292.