
What creates a community? Ive been reading up and mostly its talking to our instinctive need to be part of a “pack”. Our world has changed drastically though with us being immersed in the digital age. We are seeing more and more youngsters who are socially inept and unable to engage face to face. They are, however, entirely able to manage relationships online, to the extent that they are unable to grasp a joke told to them but would burst out laughing when the same joke is posted online.

I also gave thought to our “own” little community here, we all pop in daily to check up and share something in the shoutbox or one of the chatty threads, which means the place is loved and we care to some extent about the other members here, but this is where it stops.

Thoughts and insights anyone?


In the modern world, there are no longer such things as communities. Just a bunch of people living in the same geographical area. Or visiting the same online space. :slight_smile:


I also gave thought to our "own" little community here, we all pop in daily to check up and share something in the shoutbox or one of the chatty threads, which means the place is loved and we care to some extent about the other members here, but this is where it stops.

I’ve taken this further though by going to SITP and such, but none present on this forum as-of-late I think were much involved in that scene. And I haven’t either the last couple of years. I’ve only seen you, Fearie, once, but had no idea you were YOU and so a conversation never happened. It’s not as if I’m hiding or anything, I basically just guard my identity “publicly” on this site, but not “privately”. If you get my gist… I think most of the “real life animosity” you seem to be bemoaning is about geographical problems more than anything. Most of the people I’ve met as a consequence of this site were quite amazing people who I visited more times than this forum would suggest. I still follow a couple of people’s lives “publicly-privately” on facebook (meaning other people on my friends’ list don’t actually know HOW I know who I know, and to be frank it’s none of their business).

Thoughts and insights anyone?

If we derive real unity, friendship and a loyalty from an online chat room, what makes that “inferior” to a real-life interaction?

I think for the most part we have a human need to feel part of a group.
In our modern world I think we all full fill that need in several ways.

sometimes you wanna go where everybody knows your name


OMG cyghost still visits… I had no idea.

Almost nobody here knows my name. That’s the frikkin problem, with the site down I had no idea how I would ever re-initiate communications.

I know your name, its Boogie and will forever remain so.

This went through my mind as well. We are a little group but we have our own little piece of home here. I would hate not having this little bit of heaven to come to every once and a while.

Seems even anti-social atheists want a bit of community!

I changed work about two months ago and it has been hectic! Could hardly read the news online.

But things have settled down and I reconnected with this and the other two sites I regularly visit. I don’t always have a lot to say but I appreciate this community (this site specific and sketics in general) a whole bunch.

and that line is of course from Cheers :smiley: which started playing in my head when I read Faerie’s opening post.

Heh, that’s so sweet in a way, thanks. But I already have to deal with one of my other online personalities having gained a more permanent position on this little pale blue dot than I will ever have myself. Now I have TWO alternate personalities that beat me out in the fame game. That’s alarming.

Seems even anti-social atheists want a bit of community!

Since we are admitting to all-sorts of touchy-feely stuff: I’ve never had a problem with a sweet in the way. I once had a pretty good dream in which my path was solidly obstructed by a large vat of liquorice, with only a single means through. Yes, I love the so-called liver of candy.
