Creation Museum

Now I’ve seen it all!

Prepare to be amazed by the exhibits in the Creation Museum.

Using the Bible as your starting point, prepare to travel back 6,000 years to the dawn of creation...
So they admit that the earth is 6000 years old according to the Bible!

Walk into the theater and enjoy short movie productions, such as Stargazer’s Planetarium. I thought the earth was flat, standing on four pillars and covered by a dome?

In panoramic glory, relive the six days of creation and, of all things, a short on Dragons! While they’re at it, where are the unicorns and cockatrices they speak of in the Bible?

For the grand finale… a Dinosaur exhibit! Dinosaurs apparently lived alongside humans less that 6000 years ago! ???

of course dinosaurs live along side humans. There was an entire documentary series on this when I was a kid in the afternoons.
The humans used to use them to build their shelters and to fly around. They also were needed because the humans were under attack by a race of cold blooded lizard like men that had mind controlled a T-Rex and mounted a frikken laser to its head and some other dinosaurs. The humans retaliated by mounting a missile launcher to a brontosaurus and they had many battles.

the documentary was called appropriately enough “Dino-Riders” and I would suggest that everyone shows it to their kids so they can understand the truth about human/dinosaur relations.


;D How silly of me…

In my garage! :wink:

You’ve been sitting on evidence without sharing? :wink:

The budget for building the museum was 27Mil USD, privately funded by Ken Ham’s Answers In Genesis and some families.

The Museum is featured in Bill Maher’s movie, Religulous.