Dark stuff

The most accepted model of the universe needs Dark Energy and Dark Matter to work. It needs this Dark stuff to the tune of 80%. This stuff has not been observed and the properties are unknown. Now there is a new model that does not need it. http://www.universetoday.com/98864/do-we-really-need-dark-matter/ Will this one win out in the end? Is that not how science work? We find a way to describe how something work by observing what is happening. Seems to me that if you base a model on only 20% of known data it is not a strong model. Maybe Mefiante can look at this and share her thoughts?

As long as they leave dark chocolate alone. My universe will promptly stop working without dark chocolate. :smiley:


Ah Cosmology when they don’t understand it they put the word Dark in front of it. Sounds better than Mystery Energy