Following a suggestion on another thread, this could give me some interesting ideas, if you guys don’t mind…
We all encounter some strange, non-thinking people in our daily lives. The woo-woos I have to deal with are mostly at work and include my colleagues and those people who pay my salary (which I am quite attached to) While I am not generally outspoken about my lack of religion in the workplace, these people have daily prayer meetings and the like. In turn, I have embarked on a little experiment to see how far I can push them - how can you make your point, have some fun, and NOT get fired?
I’ve got similar problems, although the boss is agnostic, the rest are mostly xtian. They have a little bible study group on Friday’s and often pray for someone who finds themselves in unfortunate circumstances.
I’m not shy about my atheism, and am quite forceful in religious conversations (which takes place daily), and for some odd reason they always come ask ME advice when things go wonky in their lives. I have my fun by pointing our obvious things - such as Lillith being the first woman and not Eve (freaks them out horrid), and that a soul has no gender and therefore I cannot fanthom why a woman should be submissive to her husband/father simply because she happens to inhabit a female body (duh!)
They create the situations themselves, you just need to grab hold of the opportunity and of-course, know your facts and be able to back it up with scripture (yeah, the irony, but most atheists are exactly that because they got to know the scripture TOO well).
I was told on Tuesday that someday I will stand amongst all the Muslims, Hindus and other atheists in front of the throne for atonement, I just retorted that she’d be standing next to me since she cannot prove without a doubt that I, nor the Muslims, nor the Hindu’s are wrong, and that for what its worth, SHE could be wrong and be cast into the fire… She left in a huff and later on I heard from a colleague that I upset her greatly and that she was crying, thats what fear does generally. Bloody idiots.
I’m in a very civil, corporate environment, so I give my jabs when I can, always being civil and polite, never get involved in a full-out argument. But friendly fire is still fire, is it not? >:D
i have spent hours debating the odds and ends if their mistakeness with a number of woo-woos, i tend to leave them be, coz the truth is just to mind-boggling for them to comprehend. i am, however, quite willing to enter into debate if someone truly is interrested in having a conversation with me.
i have, though, of late, begun to be a bit more forthcoming with my non-theist beliefs, and will quip into a conversation, little bits of info, to test the waters as it were.
often, luckily, i am with like-minded friends, and we get to have a good giggle at the woo-woos expense.
in the workplace, i only forward the fluffy animals emails, and, thankfully, receive very little remails. the white contingent of co-workers know not to enter into religious debate with me. coz i get very fervent. the black side, however, i avoid, coz they simply cannot fathom that god isnt real, so im not going to get into that with them.
i share my office with the touchy feely types, angels, spychics, spirits, ghosts, and the like, so generally all kinds are tolerated, and we get on quite well.
just sometimes, when i see a particularly funny blasphemous little jewel, and i hose myself, its kinda difficult to explain my mirth to the audience.
My colleagues don’t have a clue that I’m the big “A” I am very sure, that if they should find out, they would hate me forever, even if it
Mean walking the Eternal Fire! What they do realise is, that I am a Sceptic. In some situations I just can’t resist the “bait” they sweep past me, from these small (scientific and gawd on the sideline) encounters, I’ve tested the waters and gathered that it would be an emotional explosion if bijble should be the main discussion!
When I hear: “One day when I stand in front of gawd, I would ask him why he allowed so many innocent babies to die”
The other day someone watched a program where biblical events can be scientifically explained and thus, is not a mysterious superstitious gawdly thingy, but natural occurrence. Darn, I thought to myself, someone has began to think for herself and this would be an interesting discussion!
Noooo the woo woo of all woo woos are of the opinion, that “it” don’t even watch that kinda shite because that’s exactly what Luci want, he sets scientists up to this. >:D Bait, Bait…and I gave away! Soooo if scientists discover new meds and Doctors prescribe them to help humans…it’s gawd, but when the same scientists research history and come to different conclusions than the bijble, that part is Luci!
Well well, would you know…change the subject!
It gets kinda frustrating some times! :-\
I absolutely adore receiving mails telling me canola oil will kill me and that if I forward a mail some poor kid in Zimbabwe will receive a heart transplant curtesy me. Snopes is wonderful to debunk these mails, and I love replying all (which is usually a complete address list) explaining some finer details of why something cannot be as presented.
I dont receive many of these mails anymore though… ???
just sometimes, when i see a particularly funny blasphemous little jewel, and i hose myself, its kinda difficult to explain my mirth to the audience.
Ah, yes, I become hysterical and generally have to resort in mailing it to my S/O in order to have a giggle with someone at least. I’m considered odd for my unexplained outbursts of elation and joy.
I often bust out laughing when reading stuff from this forum? I am considered odd as well, and often have difficulties trying to come up with an explanation other than the truth (that I am a god-less devil’s child reading atheistic and blasphemous comments while I am supposed to be working, or reading the bible)
Welllll, atleast you’re not sitting in a church the next Sunday being a hypocrate and are under the impression or pretending it is your human right to steal your companies money (being on the internet or personal emails) during the past week’s/months/years ;D
Oh yeah, now it makes sense…thats why major companies blocked many or all internet access, cause the majority group, being Chr…ag I mean Atheists spend to much time online! :
It all depends who the crowd is and how far I’m willing to push it. In my immediate area there are christians but they’re nerdy ones, and can understand where I’m coming from (I believe they just quietly dismiss whatever I say on the subject). I don’t push my luck with people from other departments, but then I don’t interact with them very often.
However, when people forward blatant untruth to my e-mail box is when I nail them with snopes, I’m not questioning their religion or anything but people seem to REALLY detest this. Something about the truth just seems to make people hopelessly uneasy. The upside of this is, I’ve been able to socially engineer a pretty prestine inbox over the years, people either check themselves or don’t risk it.
I have had some HEATED arguments though with a fellow nerd-type who is all about homeopathy, but people in the general seating area agree that I wipe the floor with him, and I’m hoping I can get him to smell reason at some stage. The point is, I guess I do don kid gloves with people who can’t take on the subject of religion, but I rapid-fire on any other kind of kookyness (like the magic bracelets thing that was going around a few months ago, although some still chose to ignore reason).
She left in a huff and later on I heard from a colleague that I upset her greatly and that she was crying, thats what fear does generally.
I’ve also inadvertently done this (not to a co-worker though). I felt really bad about it, but then, they were stating what they believed, they should expect no less than for me to return the favor.
i feel the same. who exactly gives them the right to beat me to death with their ideas and beliefs, but break down in tears when i tell 'em the fugly truth.
if i had the brains, i would post this pic directly, but here goes the link, will explain exactly what is the norm:
Translation: “I have no clue about the history of that big book I’m in love with, and I don’t care either, because it’s God’s Word, and if God said it, it must be true.”
Acceptable Response: “Amen.”
Unacceptable Response: “It also says to kill homosexuals.” They might heartily agree to that one, which in case the unacceptable response becomes, “It also says to kill your children when they talk back. Have your children ever talked back?” Or, “Explain to me the authorship and transmission of the Bible, and why you think it’s God’s Word.” Or especially, “Jesus said to give anything to those who ask of you – and not only to give what they ask, but more. So please give me your wallet and your car.”
“Hate the sin, love the sinner.”
Translation: “I’m a flaming fundamentalist.”
Acceptable Response: “Amen.”
Unacceptable Response: “That’s a relief, because I’m a homosexual transvestite in an interracial relationship.”
“It takes more faith to be an Atheist than a Christian.”
Translation: “I don’t really understand atheism or how it’s possible not to believe in a god.”
Acceptable Response: “That’s right, brother. Denying God is like denying gravity.”
Unacceptable Response: “Believing in something without evidence takes faith. Not believing in something without evidence takes intelligence.”
“Atheism is a religion.”
Translation: “Atheism is a religion because everyone believes there is a god, right?”
Acceptable Response: “They know there is a God and they reject him and hate him! They will burn in hell forever!”
Unacceptable Response: ”Calling ‘atheism’ a religion is like calling ‘bald’ a hair color.” (Don Hirschberg) Or, “If atheism is a religion, then not collecting stamps is a hobby.”