
Stumbled across this today via a staffmember that was “enlightened”, and am thoroughly weirded out after searching interwebs. SA based girl who apparantly can channel the afterlife or some such rubbish, lots of raving about demons being misguided dead people. Simultaneously they proclaim not to believe in a specific deity. All rather rambling about aliens, reminds me a lot of Scientology. They’ve been at it a couple years now by all appearances.

Four years ago an Interdimensional Portal opened, through which Beings from the Afterlife come to participate with full and complete access here on Earth, in the Physical.

This event has made it possible to find out what has really been going on in the Afterlife and what has actually been going on, on Earth, which was all self-investigated through utilizing the Interdimensional Portal – the answer was not expected.

A Process of Self-Purification started in Heaven, which is the same Process that has started for Humanity and all Beings of Earth.

Desteni is essentially a group of beings who have explored, tested and applied the principles of Self-Honesty, Self-Forgiveness, Self-Corrective Application and Breathing to transcend the Mind Consciousness System that exists as each and to find ways to exist as One and Equal Here on Earth.

The Desteni website was created as a way to share the research that was done and to provide a platform of support for those who dare to actively participate in the Process of Self-Honesty – to Manifest existence as equality and oneness as Life – where all exist equally as one Here.

this little gem caught my eye though:

Payment options

A once off payment of € 1200

12 monthly payments of € 100
Totaling € 1200

! Please do not ask for discounts as this is a dishonest action – all are one and equal in participating and paying for this course.

Then to ensure recruitment/money grubbing takes place go have a squizzie here:

All very lovely. They have a “farm” somewhere in SA (have’nt managed to establish where as yet though)

All this screams CULT to me. Anybody have more first hand experience/info on this? I certainly dont want this rubbish spreading around here.

The farm is allegedly in KZN somewhere. It smacks not so much of cult as it does of an opportunistic exploitation of credulous dolts. In that it is like a religion. The “Power of 10 Desteni Income Plan” is a pyramid scheme (“pyramid scam”?), and an unabashedly blatant one at that. It relies on ongoing down-the-line recruitment where newer recruits pay those who got into it earlier. They pretend to a legitimate trade in training materials and courses. Their real aim is to fleece you for as much as they can. It’s a wannabe Amway.


heheh…check out the Steve Irwin (the croc guy) message portal

I am not dead, so don't think of anyone ever replacing me, I am just existing on a different vibrational dimension

Ummm… (wtf!!)

“Cooking as Self-Support” - big income plan that is to my taste, I must say LOL.

Seriously though, should this nonsense not be reported to the DTI as an illegal business practice, or at least the ASA?

You may well be right, but personally I’m a little divided over whether a paternalistic approach will achieve as much in the long run as letting subscribers realise their own ridiculous gullibility. Caveat emptor, “a fool and his clams…” and all that fine free market ethic may prove both less arduous and more satisfying once the swindlers are found out (if they even take off). In any case and despite numerous legitimate complaints, Amway and its like still operate in SA with impunity behind a few layers of shells like Network 21. Regulation won’t stop them; it just forces these charlatans to become more sneaky and underhanded.


Oh no please don’t regulate them, I want carte-blanche when I start Network 42, now with twice the shallow pretend “business owners” pretending to be your friend!

Yes! Let’s start right now. Procrastination is the thief of time and all that. A pyramid scheme for skeptics! I’m sure we can get Mefiante to buy some of our kubus kulture. We’ll label it “Dawkins Primordial Soup” - skeptics are suckers for the Dawkins brand. SITP meetings would be a great greenfield marketing opportunity too.

EDIT. For those too young to remember kubus kulture:

The originator is now flogging carbon credits via similar means it seems:

“Kobus Kulture”? “Kobus”? You got a secure website where I can get me some of that Krwenzori’s Kobus Kulture? Must be a secure website, though! Must be “https” prefix. No deal otherwise. Sirriyaas. Okay to trade Mefiante’s Magical Medallions™? Belgian milk chocolate infused with goat’s cheese and blessed over a vial of Chanel No. 5. Guaranteed to improve your KKK sales.



Heheh. LOL. You guys are awesome.