Dog food

I got this on FB. How accurate is this?

Appears to be mostly true — have a look under “Dog poison No. 6: People food”.


I didn’t know about the onion & mushroom. Now I’ll have to stop giving poor Doofus left-over gravy…

Some of that stuff is poisonous to people too. But as with all poisons, and whether you are a human or a dog, the poison is in the dose. You can safely drink a glass of wine; two bottles of vodka might kill you. You can safely eat a few apricot seeds; two cupfuls might kill you. Etc. etc.

So the thing is to find out what the lethal dose is and stay well below that.

Well, I dont have dogs, but my four cats have very distinctive likes and dislikes when it comes to human food.

Jade loves dark chocolate and I’m careful to put it well out of reach as she’ll scoff the whole lot. Hades has a particular love for Bacon flavoured Pringles, all other flavours are ignored with a sniff and flick of the tail. Purrseus absolutely loves polony (none of the other cats will touch it) and ScrewLucy (Lucyfur) only eats the wing of a chicken, she turns up her nose for the white meat and other titbits.