Earthquakes and HAARP

was mother nature moerig, or is there something more sinister happening?
this gadget is supposed to be able to control the ionosphere, so to help dissipate the effects of sun flares and whatnot. but now, it seems, when one used this doodabbie, is shows in the atmosphere is a discolouration of the sky.
HAARP - Nature Modification Weapon

which, it seems, has been the case before the chile, haiti and a bit earlier on, the china quakes.
so, now its seems, that HAARP can be deflected of the atmosphere, and cause unstability in the tectonic plates. thus, the kak hits the fan.

seems, that minutes before an earthquake hits, there are anusual discolorations in the sky, ocean, fish in the waters croak…
30 mins before the 2008 Sichuan earthquake in China -china
10 mins before the 2008 Sichuan earthquake in China - china
HAARP colors in the sky Before Chile Earthquake! - chile
the web is loaded with vids and pics of this.

or the real deal.

i like a good conspiracy at the best of times, but my head doesnt want to imagine anyone being sick enough to employ eny kind of deliberate life-taking measure like this.


This is one of the most open scientific projects around. Google them and go to their website (I’m too lazy to look it up for you). There are academics from several universities working on the project; scientists typically don’t keep secrets well–all their instincts are to publish their work.

In addition, the energies used are tiny compared to those naturally found in cosmic rays. The guys pushing this conspiracy are the same ones who believe men never walked on the moon and George Bush personally blew up the WTC. Ignore them.

I’m going with No.

i allso took this with a pinch of salt. found it on a site called red ice something or other. as recommended by our resident office conspiracy theorist.
he allso recons all royal families are some reptile alien thingy.

im all for aliens, then grey little buggers, but a reptilian queen mother doesnt entirely sit well with me. and i have a very healthy imagination.

Only Prince Charles; the rest are human.

HAARP supposedly used to precipitate earthquakes? Whoever claims this has no conception whatsoever of the huge difference in energy magnitudes between HAARP and even a smallish earthquake (from ~5 and up on the Richter scale). The only conceivable way HAARP could produce an earthquake is by acting as a trigger for releasing stored up tectonic strain energy through affecting the Earth’s magnetic field (a very tenuous link), but again HAARP’s 3.6 MW (not sustained, pulsed or periodic) of power output is negligible compared to that involved in geological processes. HAARP would certainly not be capable of “injecting” the necessary amount of energy to produce (or significantly boost) a powerful earthquake in any reasonable amount of time.

Therefore, the correct response is, “Haarp, haarp, haarp!”
