Eliminative Materialism Q&A (split)

Very happily thank you for asking.

Unless for some stupid reason you think I am married to dickhead, then the obvious answer would be no. And I’d suggest practicing a little healthy skepticism.

I am not assuming that thoughts are particles or want to argue that way so your amazing patience (wow, is it going to be a 6th time LOL) is a bit misguided and you miss the point as usual. But hey, I am also patient like you and I too notice your cute evasions despite your affliction of evasive tactics (can you spell hypocrite >:D). So how about you explain these dualistic, epiphenomenalistic tendencies you have.

Instead of BSing your way through a thread with a few attempted mudslings and misguided rhetorts, how about explaining how thoughts can have any causal efficacy on neural activity if thoughts are not composed of particles.

Do try and keep track here. Oh and do get a clue as to what epiphenomenalism or Type-D dualism is, it describes you very well. Oh, and contratian, read up.

Go fuck yourself you ignorant cunt. ;D >:D :wink:

Evasion noted buhahaha >:D. Just kidding lol. Anyway come back when you have an answer as to why you think your thoughts have any causal efficacy. Good luck wifey :-* :P, and make sure the food is hot when I get home :stuck_out_tongue:

Ever watched “waiters”? Enjoy the food honey. it will be hot indeed.

And the garden boy is bigger than you are so guess who won’t be getting any ever again, Mr Tiny.

You truly think people don’t see right through you? You think you can hide behind your dishonest tactics? I ask a question, you evade and ask me a question. I answer and repeat my question. You evade and ask a question. I answer and repeat… ad fucking nauseum. All that remains is to ridicule you for the twat you are.


I feel the same way with you and old rwenzori. Should we keep score from now on?

BTW, you still have a question. Don’t worry, I won’t start the clock on the counting just yet, just give a straight answer won’t you?


point out the questions you had to ask more than once for me with evidence to back it up. I’ll submit your last 4 stupid threads alone as evidence for my case.

I thought this one in particular stands out:

Explain how thought can have any causal efficacy on neural activity if thoughts are not composed of particles.

epic fail, try again

even a moron such as you could figure out why that one hasn’t been answered yet.

enjoying this!

I’m for team cyghost

Yeah, Interweb dramas are fun! >:D

btw for others who are looking on and because I detest not having my questions answered thus making a point of answering questions as far as possible myself:

Explaining how thought can have any causal efficacy on neural activity if thoughts are not composed of particles.

I have no fucking idea. I simply cannot be blamed that teledoos do not accept “I don’t know” answers.

call me dof, but that entire sentence, makes me think of a platypuss. odds and ends thrown together, that has got boggerol in relation with each other, yet forced to become something, and that something is kak ugly, without grace or purpose, and just a freakshow of maniac universal lego building.

Me too!

Cyghost FTW!!

Tellyman I am no scientist, so I am going to suggest you read this again:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neuron and if it is not the answer you were looking for, I assume you already have an opinion on this, then mind telling us? Otherwise you can also consider having a lengthily intimate discussion with whats his name http://forum.skeptic.za.org/profile/?u=556 .
I’m sure he won’t mind! I think you two got more in common than you would care to admit! He might be able to supply you with the scientific answers you’re looking for straight outa his 1st bijble and whilst he’s busy, sommer give you some hints as to what future holds for you, according to his Nostra k@k(2nd bijble)

Teleological and david mabus sitting in a tree
K - I - S - S -I - N - G ;D

team cyghost t-shirts now available. (nice, now I also know how to do that!)

You guys haven’t seen anything yet though. Wait till Irreverent shows up, that bloke is scary :smiley:

Aaw, cute, team cyghost…

Ok, just to get this straight, you guys are on team cyghost because you are in agreement with cyghost that (and this is really what the thread turned out to be about):

  1. Thoughts are not particles.
  2. Thoughts don’t interact with particles.
  3. Thoughts are the result / product of particles interacting in a specific way.

And like cyghost, when asked:

  1. How can thoughts have any causal efficacy on neural activity if thoughts are not composed of particles?

The answer is:

  1. “I don’t know”

Can I hear a “go team cyghost go”

Fail! We are on his team because we like him, and we don’t particularly like you! :stuck_out_tongue:

Go, team cyghost, go!

Oooh, my bad, I thought the team had some kind of substance, something intelligent to offer, now it seems to be like a bunch of sycophants.

Go, team cyghost go!

“I don’t know” is at least honest and accurate. “I don’t know” is often the beginning of knowledge because, if the person wanted to “know” he would take steps to “find out”. Since answering the question “Are thoughts particles?” will add very little value to my life, I, for one, do not give a flying rats’ ass about answering it.

So, when it comes to honesty, simplicity, accuracy, relevance then I too shout go team cyghost go