Finding a Good Date…

July 2011 is a good month because it will have five full weekends in it (i.e. five Fridays, five Saturdays and five Sundays).

[ol]- Are there any years without a good month in them? If so, which was the last year before 2011 to go without a good month?

  • When will the next good month after July 2011 occur?
  • Some special years have more than one good month in them. When is the next such special year and what are its good months?[/ol]


The only good month is the month that I have money left in my account the day before payday… All other months and years are the same-ol-same-ol… :wink:

Yes, 2001 as far as I can see.

- When will the next [i]good month[/i] after July 2011 occur?

March 2013

Dunno on the last one, why the questions?

Uhm, just to add, on weekends I spend more cash than usual. So that’s a BAD month for me.

It’s true that 2001 didn’t have any good months but it wasn’t the most recent occurrence of such a year before 2011.


People’s end-of-month cashflow issues aside, this is the Fun section. The idea is not to flip lamely through a calendar (paper or electronic) but rather to prompt a few basic realisations about the Gregorian calendar in order to refine the process for identifying good months and special years. If that isn’t your idea of fun, then don’t participate…


I consider myself reprimanded. :-[

It is the FUN section though… :confused:

Sorry if that came across wrong. No reprimand was intended, just a reminder.


Missed '07 it seems. :confused:

Oh hey look at that. This is what I get for not checking the section.

If that isn’t your idea of fun, then don’t participate…

Too late! ;D