Global warming deniers

So I’ve been having fun arguing with a local climate change denier, Ivo Vergter. It started on Twitter (@michaelmeadon and @ivovegter) and quickly moved to our blogs (here and then here ).

Come join the fun! :slight_smile:

Three minutes with Google and its top hit is all it takes. Hell, anyone’s an expert after that! Who needs years of study!? Shit boet, I can thinks, carn’t I?

So this morning the following pops up on slashdot, may be useful.

"The Danish political scientist Bjørn Lomborg won fame and fans by arguing that many of the alarms sounded by environmental activists and scientists — that species are going extinct at a dangerous rate, that forests are disappearing, that climate change could be catastrophic — are bogus. A big reason Lomborg was taken seriously is that both of his books, The Skeptical Environmentalist (in 2001) and Cool It (in 2007), have extensive references, giving a seemingly authoritative source for every one of his controversial assertions. So in a display of altruistic masochism that we should all be grateful for (just as we're grateful that some people are willing to be dairy farmers), author Howard Friel has checked every single citation in Cool It. The result is The Lomborg Deception, which is being published by Yale University Press next month. It reveals that Lomborg's work is 'a mirage,' writes biologist Thomas Lovejoy in the foreword. '[I]t is a house of cards. Friel has used real scholarship to reveal the flimsy nature' of Lomborg's work."

The Lomborg Deception article:
Debunking Lomborg, the Climate-Change Skeptic?

As far as I can tell the article is being slashdotted like crazy at the moment, may take a while to load if it does load at all. :wink:

Thanks! I saw it on Twitter just now. Have already put it to Vegter…