This morning, like most Friday mornings, started in the usual manner, chucking the cellphone off the bedside table as the alarm goes off, picking my way through the debris littering the house (we’re renovating), and eventually properly waking up in the bath.
I go through the normal morning routing, having coffee with the S/O on the patio, and then as I do the usual hollering of good-buys to the kids and puckering up for my kiss from the S/O, he asks me if I would do him a favour today.
Feeling a wee bit irritated for this last minute request I nod a yes and smile, so he asks me to drop by the courts today, and I snap back “WHY?”, he just grins and tells me to go pick up the necessary paperwork for us to get married and to pick a date…
I’m getting married! Heh, I’m chuffed, it wouldnt have mattered to me if it never happened, it wasnt an expectation, but damn, it is nice to know he wants to legalise the commitment to such an extent.
So, happiness is, TRULY realising that your partner loves you.
gawds, you’re welcome to if you can manage time off work, neither of us are social people, and we’re uncomfortable with fuss, so its going to be a in-and-out of court thing. No party, no grand announcements, and possibly a mention to those who pry. Personally, I wont even bother to tell my folks. The kids will get a day off school and come with, but thats the extent of it really.
My congratulations! I wish we could do the same; we’ve been ‘engaged’ for 6 years, but my wife won’t let me have a divorce: keeps making absurd demands, e.g. I must pay maintenance for her two horses, 13 cats & 4 dogs and so on. I regard myself as married to Scallywag (we’ve been living together for 11 years now); it’s just that if I shuffle off there may be legal impediments to Scallywag claiming her inheritence. But I won’t rain further on your parade.
Goody! The Boss is more excited than I am, and I have Monday morning off to go find out the process. She also wants to buy me a wedding dress… erm… like the lace and valletjies kind, I have’nt a clue how to tell her that I’m actually more comfortable in going as I happen to be at that point of time. She’s a lovely person though, I think I’m confusing her!
@GCG - I’ll never be able to drag the S/O out to a SITP, so the drinks will have to be without me, but I absolutely agree with you, a reason for celebration!
Nee jissie, dis my second time around, bietjie wyser, en die kop is hoeka nie meer gebothered met romanse en pie-in-the-sky twak nie. Dis lekker en ons is lief vir mekaar, maar dis 'n praktiese besluit vir ons albei, finansieel baat dit ons altwee asook vir besluite binne ons eie raamwerk as Ateiste, 'n huwelikskontrak sluit die res van die familie af van dinge soos ons keuse van geen begrafnisse ens, ons bewerk eenvoudig net 'n raamwerk wat die res van ons verskeie woo-beneukde families teestaan.
An observation though, I told my boss (I need time off), and she has gone absolutely moggy, got flowers on my desk, and little balloons saying “I’m getting married”, and I understand from one of my “skinnerbek” colleagues that a hen-party is already in the planning… and oh-yes, she wants to buy me a wedding dress… (wtf!!)