for those of you in CT in september
Wow - cool. The subject, morality without God, is one of my pet subjects. Sounds brilliant - pity CT is so far away. My view is that true morality is only possible once a person sees morality as a social skill rather than a religious duty.
True and like someone has previously mentioned: If a person needs a bijbeltjie to teach
them right from wrong, SOMETHING is SERIOUSLY WRONG!
Yup. And if they need to believe in a Big-Brother-God-is-watching-you sword of Damocles to keep them from running rampant in the streets, then something ELSE is seriously wrong.
the bybel wasnt doing such a hot job keeping the fold in order anyhows. otherwise the world would be an ossum place.
obviously, its human nature, to do certain things. give in to your lusts as it were. so de bijbel needs to tell you, you cant pomp your neighbour’s donkey, oh sorry, slave, oh sorry, wife. coz, you know, you really really want to.
if i had taken anything from old jc, is the whole love thy neighbour mission. if you dont want someone scaling your ipod, then dont do the same.
unfortunately, the anc hasnt imparted that message to their minions yet. since, you know, according to them, communism means you get to take what the hell you ever you want.