If you could interview God what would you ask him?

My prime question: “Given that you are omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent, you could have made any world whatsoever without restriction. Given also that you are supremely benevolent, why did you make this world?”

My backup question would be: “Why are your followers such stuffed shirts?”


No only when the three wise men came!

Who did you cry out to when you reached climax?

Nice video, thanks GCG. I have 2 CDs of Dan Barker (Friendly Neighborhood Atheist and Beware Of Dogma)doing this kind of music. Really cool and often funny. My favourite song is “Just Say No” based on Nancy Reagan’s campaign against drugs but this song warns kids against religion - brilliant.

that whole site is friggin hilarious. i made it one of my bookmarks now.

Can I be excused from eternal band duty?

Eternally banned from band. Remember that musicians who get into Heaven have to use the back entrance (through the kitchen).

Please would you fuck off and let me get on with my life?

For God’s sake, rwenzori, can’t you be a little bit more diplomatic? Try something like “Would Thee kindly betake Thyself with a capital F?”


I see my post has been bowdlerised in any event. Oy vey. :frowning:

There’s a frecking obscure frecking setting in one’s frecking profile that does that to frecking words like “freck.” :wink:

ETA: Okay, I frecking found it. It’s a frecking checkbox labelled “Leave words uncensored” under frecking “Look and Layout Preferences.”


P.S. You can blame it on the frecking feva…

Thank you most kindly for pointing that out. I have ticked the frecking “Leave words uncensored” box, thereby hopefully booting Dr Thomas Bowdler’s arse into the bleachers. Apologies to the powers that be, about whom I was admittedly having some frecking evil thoughts.

< Back to a lovely old 1950s recording of Bach’s Brandenburgs, for the restoration of sanity, like. >

Mahler’s Symphony No. 6 tonight. No special reason needed.


When hallucinations insist that they are real I usually ask:

“Can you tell me something I don’t already know?”