Around 3,000 people with 'superstitious belief' could not be enumerated during the ongoing Census in Christian-dominated Mizoram as they failed to cooperate with the authorities, official sources have said.As the deadline ended on Wednesday, the sources said census officials would seek an extension from the state government to cover them.
Reports from deputy commissioners, designated as Principal Census Officers, of all the eight districts said while a few of them relented, the majority refused to enroll themselves saying they were ready to face any punitive action.
These people declared they had no objection to being enrolled in the census, but refused to be marked with a Unique ID for fear of the Biblical ‘Beast’ or the Devil, the sources said.
Well, ob-vee-yuss-lee it’s far more respectable doing it this way than objecting on the grounds that a census is an invasion of privacy…
My daddy is the pope you know
I am not a beast you know
All I want to do is grope…
– P.Sarstedt