Interesting but useless statistic

A partial screenshot of my browser. The previous record was 5 visitors to this site. Why did the number almost quadruple today?

When will the next record number of visitors occur?


I noticed…it’s good… ;D

I think it’s time for the South African content threads to be made i guess…

Guests count as well. Uhuru is quite popular it seems. A lot of referrals come from

Thus far today, we’ve had 53 posts, including this one — a clear case of the measurement affecting the result on the macroscopic scale. That number must be some kind of head-and-shoulders record for this forum.


There is a full moon! :wink:

It seems to me that there has been quite a sharp drop in the daily number of visitors to the forum over the past month or two. Purely as a matter of curiosity, is my perception accurate? And if so, what would account for the change?


You are right, numbers drop a bit around the school holidays :wink:

Could the forum be taking off at last? 60 visitors today at one time – that’s almost twice the previous record of 33. What’s drawing the, er, crowds?


Hehe, not quite. Got a lot of visitors from reddit because of this:
Almost 3000 visitors from them in one day. :o

Record numbers of visitors twice in less than a week! What’s drawing the crowds?


Why, the bustling user activity during the last week of course! :wink:

Well, we could always call Mabus/Markuze and tell him that all is forgiven…


…or Tele. Wonder what s/he is up to ???

still over at myBB trolling and talking absolute shit. Things never change.

I’m having yet another round of shooting creationist fish in a barrel over at Litnet. Perhaps I should invite them over here… :slight_smile: