
Hello All,

Could anybody fast track me on the topic of milk.
Does the use of hormones in the production of milk have any danger.
Basically will drinking normal “non-organic” milk be making me more ‘girly’.
Sorry if I am not being too PC.

Some good scientific responses would be welcomed.

Thanks and Regards,


Hey Superman

I quickly checked ScienceDirect and found one review* of studies done in the last 30 years, it basically found that milk contains high number of different hormones including estrogen and testosterone, but they found that these are naturally created by cows to help in the growth of calves.

My opinion would be that there would not be a great advantage to switch over to organic milk, if you are worried about hormones you should skip milk all-together. The review did state that the effect of these hormones on humans have not been completely investigated. I personally feel the advantage of drinking milk(i.e. calcium content) would out weight the negative effects.

*PN, Jouan et al. “Hormones in bovine milk and milk products: A survey”. International Diary Journal 16(2006), 1408-1414.

Hormones are chemicals that carry certain signals throughout the body of any living animal.

If you eat, you’re consuming hormones, lots and lots of hormones. Meat has it, plants have it, and milk has it, whether they “give it to the X” at the farm or not, it’s there by default. The only question one can ask is how much, and is it SO out of whack that you’d expect a reasonable effect.

If one thinks about the millions of hormones that have passed through your system in your lifetime, it’s hard to say what effect, if any, a specific hormone would have on you, or whether we could live without them at all. I would even ask if the human body responds at all to foreign hormones, Is cow estrogen the same thing as human? ???

Penn & Teller also did a whole Bullshit episode on Organic foods that covered all kinds of hormones/pesticides/GM/fertilizer/etc issues.

Edit: Check here, from about 3 minutes in: Penn and Teller BS: Organic Food Myths Debunked (Excerpt)

Thank you Bobilus & BoogieMonster,

I did a search before on the internet and found a lot of contradictory information.
Basically I have cut milk out of my coffee but not because of the hormones. Simply cutting out calories so that I can loose weight.

I am very skeptical about these kind of things to start but sometimes these things can make you wonder esp since I used to drink a lot of milk.

I will check out ScienceDirect sounds very interesting.

I have heard about Penn & Teller will watch eagerly.

Thank you for the info I really appreciate it.



You need your milk, as well as your cheese and other forms of calcium. Rather cut out your white starches, breads, potato’s, pastas (especially the sauces that goes with that one) during the week, and have it only over the week-ends. Cutting out only milk in your coffee are’nt going to help you at all.

Faerie, I totally agree with you that just cutting out milk will not really help most people to loose weight.

I am a bit different in that I am totally, utterly addicted to coffee. I am not kidding that sometimes I drink 20 cups of coffee a day. I have always liked my coffee without sugar so in that respect I was ok. Cutting out milk has helped me decreas my coffee consuption a little. By cutting out milk in my coffee I also have lost 3kgs in 3 weeks.

Not bad, I am now starting to get used to the black coffee and enjoying it much more.
How to quit the coffee addiction I do not know. I suppose it will be a process.

Once it help me to make a deadline. Drink only coffee untill 8 o’clock in the morning and then no more for the rest of the day. Winter really messed me up, next month I will try again.

Thanks for the input about the calcium will keep that in mind.

Regards Superman

@Faerie PS, I love kitty cats here is my faviourate:

OI!!! what about me?
GCG stands for Goth Cat Girl.
do NOT make me come ever there…

Be afraid… be VERY afraid…


Oh you will find my cat is very hard to catch it is a Cheshire Cat afterall. 0:)

But I have realized that Faerie is a force to be reckoned with. Although very benevolent most of the time.

@GCG, I love Superheroes and Cats. So you are the best of both worlds! :smiley:

Bwahahahahaha!!! :wink: