Noob skeptic from Joburg

Hi All

I’m brand new to the board, but I thought I’d introduce myself.

I’m in my early 30s, brought up in a christian family. Not overly religious but we went to church every Sunday.
Some time in my 20s I became atheist. It was a very gradual process over a long time. The universe is much more
interesting to me now than it was when I was a theist. Back then it was just made that way, the truth is so much more fascinating now.

I’m a bit of a closet atheist, my family is quite religious and I think it would crush my mother if she knew I was atheist. So I avoid that
kind of chat with my family. This is perhaps a bit cowardly, but I see no reason to take it on. All of my close friends know thought, and I’ve
discussed various aspects of religion etc with them. Most of them are religious to some degree though.

I’ve been listening to The Skeptic’s Guide to the Universe podcast for about the last year or so. This introduced me to skeptisism in general, and eventually made me google
for skeptics in SA, which is how I found this site :slight_smile:

I work with Linux and other open source technologies. I’ve always liked games, board games, strategy etc. I played Go very actively for a few years,
I don’t play so much anymore, but still have an interest in the game. I now find poker to be very interesting and play a lot of it. Go and poker both taught me different
ways of thinking and viewing situations, which probably helped in my skeptical thinking.

Can’t think of anything else semi relevant :slight_smile: Feel free to throw questions my way though.


Whaddap Noob.
Do you by any chance partake in Warhammer or Bloodbowl, since this is the Nerd’s boardgames of choice.

I’m afraid I missed out on those, I also missed Magic and never really got into DnD

loha and welcomes :wink:

welcome bru…be prepared >:D

Yep, Icon’s next week.

Welcome Noob. We’re no less weird than the religious lot, although along different lines… :wink:

Welcome Strider,

We look forward to your posts.

icon. so many nerds in one place. its like a hallo kitty orgasm.

WOW this is a bit freaky.


from Joburg
brought up in a christian family. Not overly religious but we went to church every Sunday. Some time in my 20s I became atheist. It was a very gradual process over a long time.
I'm a bit of a closet atheist, my family is quite religious and I think it would crush my mother if she knew I was atheist.
All of my close friends know thought, and I've discussed various aspects of religion etc with them.
I work with Linux and other open source technologies. I've always liked games, board games, strategy etc.
Check, check, check, check.
I played Go very actively for a few years,
Check, although I play only socially, and I suck badly.

Yeah, that settles it, you’re me. ;D

Welcome to the forum, hope ja have fun.

Wow, I thought I might find some like-minded people here, but that’s a bit ridiculous :slight_smile:

Thanks for all the welcomes everyone

Sounds as if you will fit right in. Welcome bro Fred/Strider. You don’t have to be nuts to feel part of our family but it does help.

This is very late but a big welcome.